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A/N: So obviously I left the last chapter in quite a cliffhanger lol...

This one's not edited by the way!

Hope you enjoy this one!

-*-*-*-*- Will -*-*-*-*-

"For the last time, Will Herondale," someone shouted. "Wake up!" Will shot bolt right up, coughing and gasping violently. He tumbled off the table, stumbling around the room in shock. His eyesight was blurry, his head pounding as he tried to figure out where he was.

"Will," a voice said, the sound echoing in his skull. A smudged figure appeared in front of him, their hands out as if trying to help him. "Will, you need to calm down."

His vision slowly cleared and Magnus came into focus in front of him. "Magnus?" He gasped. "What...where...how long was I out for?"

"About a day," Magnus replied.

"A day?" He asked in disbelief. "What do you mean a day? I thought you could bring us back!"

"There were....complications," Magnus muttered. Will raised an eyebrow.

"Complications?" He repeated. "What kind of complications?" Magnus gave him a look.

"Just stay calm," he said, gripping Will's shoulders. "But your memories are being oppressed by a demon...a demon that's in your head."

"What!?" Will shrieked but Magnus clicked his fingers, blue sparks flying and sealing Will's mouth shut.

"I told you to stay calm," Magnus said sternly. Will gave him a look that said: when you've got a demon in your head, I'd liked to see you stay calm!

"Are you going to be quiet now and let me talk?" Magnus asked. Will nodded and so Magnus clicked his fingers again.

"Where's Jem?" Will demanded as soon as he could speak again, ignoring Magnus' instructions. "Does he know about this?" The warlock gave him a pained look, running a hand through his hair.

"Will, I came home an hour ago to find that Jem wasn't here," he said. "But I found this outside, and so I have a pretty good idea to where he's gone or, more accurately, who took him." He held up another iron wolf mask and Will suddenly understood.

"They took him," he whispered. "By the Angel, they've got Jem..." He suddenly felt sick and reached out for the chair, gripping it tightly. His parabatai's absence made him feel completely empty inside, void of any life at all.

"I'm afraid that's not the worst of it," Magnus murmured.

"How the help could this get any worse!?" Will exclaimed.

"I sent a message to the Institute as soon as I realised Jem was missing," the warlock exclaimed. "Charlotte wrote back with some disturbing news. It seems that Tessa, Cecily, Gabriel and Gideon have also gone missing...and I think you know who took them."

"Lupus," Will growled, digging his nails into the back of the chair. "He's taking everyone I care about just so he can have a book which I don't even know what or where it is."

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