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A/N: Hiya guys! So I've decided to name my adventures of Grace Carstairs book..........'Angelus Bellator' for obvious reasons ;)

What do you guys want to see from it then? Any characters you want to see Grace interact with or any particular scenes? It can be from any of Cassandra Clare's work (provided I've read it ;))  Yeah so just let me know!

Enjoy the chapter!

-*-*-*-*- Will -*-*-*-*-

"You hid a powerful, world destructing spell book in the Sanctuary?" Magnus asked in disbelief as Will led him through the doors. "You do realise you often hold Downworlders prisoner here, and you put the book right in their hands?" Will rolled his eyes and approached the fountain in the middle of the room.

"It was the one place no one would expect," Will replied, crouching down to examine the stone work around the fountain. "At first I wanted to put it in the library, but that would have been the first place someone would look. I had to find a place that no one would think of apart from me."

"And you thought of this?" Will looked up and Magnus and smirked at his astounded expression.

"I see I've surprised you again," he said with a grin. Magnus rolled his eyes.

"Just get the book," was all he said. Will turned back to the fountain and found the loose brick was looking for at its base. There were a lot of memories that revolved aroumd this fountain, some that he wished he could forget again.

He had thought Tessa had died here. He could still remember rushing into the room and finding Mortmain standing over the girl he loved with a knife in his hands. He had held her in his arms as she lay bleeding out by the fountain. Remembering the feeling of the utter despair he had felt, he viciously yanked away the loose brick from the wall, throwing it to the side. He reached into the gap, feeling around until he fohnd what he was looking for.

"Have you found it?" Magnus questioned. Will drew out the book in reply, placing it ontop of the fountain wall. He unwrapped the dusty cloth that protected the book, revealing the cover.

"Here," he said quietly. "This is it." He pursed his lips together, squeezing his hands into tight fists. The evil aura from the book was so powerful that it was almost overwhelming. Looking over at Magnus, he could tell that the warlock felt the same.

"Good," the warlock said finally. "That's fine. You can cover it again." Will did what he was told, wrapping the book back up in the cloth.

"So what do we do now?" He asked, looking up at Magnus. Before the warlock could reply, Charlotte burst through the doors of the Sanctuary, dressed in her fighting gear. She looked almost panicked  as she looked frantically around for Will before spotting him.

"Will!" she gasped, running towards him. "Sophie just told me you have returned." She looked him up and down like a mother checking her son over for scrapes before pulling Will into a hug. Will made a noise of protest as she almost crushed him but in his heart, he was glad for Charlotte. After everything that had happened, he needed a hug.

"I'm so glad you are safe," she whispered. "And your memory? Has it returned?" Will smiled.

"Yes, Charlotte," he told her. "Magnus did it. I remember everything." She turned to Magnus, giving him one of the most grateful smiles Will had ever seen.

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