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-*-*-*-*- Tessa -*-*-*-*-

Tessa stood by the window in the drawing room, looking up at the flat grey sky that was being consumed with black smoke and blazing fire. The light made London below look ablaze despite the light rain trickling down from the heavens. Nothing could ever look more terrifying to Tessa. She knew that this was the beginning of the end.

"It's starting," Jem whispered from behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "The Unseelie King's curse. This is what he was planning all along. To bring hell on earth."

"It's the demon realm," Magnus said from the far corner of the room. "He wants to destroy all Shadowhunters. The best way to do that is to bring hoards of demons onto this world, to wipe out the humans and then the Nephilm. It took an angel to save us last time this happened, this time we won't be so lucky." Tessa swallowed hard but said nothing. She refused to show weakness, not when her fiancé needed her to be strong.

Not when Will needed her to be strong.

The door opened and Charlotte walked in, followed by Cecily and Gideon, both of whom looked exhausted. Kit and Jace were behind them, looking very confused at the circumstances. "The Silent Brothers are here," the Head of the Institute said as she sat at her desk. "They have the adamas and are preparing a potion of sorts to treat Will and Gabriel. Henry is with them, but Jem I suggest you go to the infirmary in case Will needs extra treatment." Jem nodded, kissing Tessa on the temple before racing from the room.

"So what's the plan then?" Jace asked, slouching against a wall with his arms folded. Tessa could see clear traces of Cecily and Will in his demeanour. She wondered who his ancestors were. Perhaps Will found someone else and married her, forgetting about Tessa and allowing her to be with Jem. It seemed strange to think of Will with someone else...but she shouldn't even think that.

Charlotte was rubbing her temples with her elbows leaning on the desk. "I don't know," she said finally. "I have no idea what to do. I've already informed the Consul but he is having the same problem in Idris. In fact, it's all over the world. No one can come to our aid if they're fighting their own battles."

"So that's it then?" Kit said with a snort. Everyone looked up at the boy, completely startled.

"I beg your pardon?" Tessa exclaimed.

"You're all just going to give up?" Kit cried. "You know, I haven't been a Shadowhunter very long but I damn well know that they're not meant to sit around and wait for the end of the world. They're meant to be out there fighting it!"

"What would have us do, Mr Herondale?" Cecily snapped. Kit looked at her in exasperation.

"Go out there and fight like the Shadowhunters you're meant to be!" Tessa looked around at the room, watching as every person's face set into a determined expression.

"The kid has a point," Jace said, raising his eyebrows. "And as we're supposed to help you in order to go home, you should probably listen to us."

"Of course I have a point!" Kit said, glaring at Jace. "You're the one who told me that we're descended from heroes and whoever. What were your words again? 'You can't be related to Wi-" As quick as lightning, Magnus snapped his fingers which cut off Kit before he could say anymore.

"That is quite enough of that, young man," he said. "I warned you that you couldn't say anything that might disturb the future!" Kit crossed his arms and rolled his eyes but conceded to the point.

Tessa watched as Charlotte looked up from her hands, staring at the two boys in front of her. She wondered if the Head of the Institute was thinking the same as she was just moments ago. Finally, Charlotte slowly nodded, rising to her feet. Everyone rose with her, waiting for her verdict.

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