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-*-*-*-*- Tessa -*-*-*-*-

Will's breath rattled in his chest as Tessa watched from the doorway of the infirmary. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he fought to stay alive, fought to stay with them, fought to just breathe. Jem sat with his head on the bed but his hand enclosing Will's in a tight fist. It was almost as if he was praying, but Tessa knew enough about parabatai to know that Jem was giving every drop of strength he had to Will, not caring for his own health in the slightest. As much as this worried her, she didn't try to stop him. Having your heart torn between two boys often led to choices like this, but for now she would leave the situation be.

"Jem's still awake then?" Magnus asked from behind her. She turned to face him, noticing how pale the warlock's skin was and how tired he looked. The magic it took to get Will back to the Institute and then attempt to heal him had taken its toll, especially after fighting Mortmain and the Unseelie King. Tessa wanted to tell him to rest but, if truth be told, she needed the company right then.

"Yes," she replied softly, glancing back at Jem. "He hasn't rested yet. I don't think he can bring himself to. The last time he left Will's side, he went missing for weeks. I think-I think he's afraid he'll lose Will again." Magnus was silent for a moment as he watched them, his cat eyes glinting slightly.

"The power of parabatai is extraordinary," he whispered. "Just the way they tether each other to this Earth, to reality. Many can only dream of having that. But these two do have it."

"They always will," Tessa said. "No matter what happens." Magnus shook his head in disbelief.

"Will shouldn't be alive right now and yet he is...because of Jem," he said quietly. "Quite extraordinary."

"What do you mean?" she asked. Magnus shifted, lacing his hands in front of him.

"Will's wound has closed up, yes, but the poison from the demon metal is deep within him," he said softly. "I am working on a cure for both Will and Gabriel, but I'm afraid it's not going too well. The only reason why Will is still alive is because Jem is keeping him that way." Tessa looked back to her fiancé, her mouth slightly open in shock. Jem was still ill himself so how did he have the strength to give to Will?

"How long does Will have?" Tessa whispered.

"A few days at best," Magnus said. "Maybe less. But it all depends on Jem's strength...on when he decides to let go." Tessa choked back a sob, her hand covering her mouth. Magnus pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly as she cried. "Tessa, you must know that I'll do everything I can to save him. I won't give up on him."

"If he dies, then where does that leave Jem?" Tessa sobbed.

"With you by his side to help him through it," Magnus told her. "But I swear to you that I will not let Will die. Not yet." Tessa nodded, drawing away from Magnus and turning back to her fiancé.

"Save him, Magnus," she said. "I ask this not for myself, but for them. They...they need each other more than words describe. If their bond breaks...I don't think either will survive long."

-*-*-*-*- Jace -*-*-*-*-

"Where exactly are we going?" Jace asked Cecily who was marching ahead of him. "Are you ever going to get round to telling me what's going on or does that not fit in your schedule?" She gave him a glaring look over her right shoulder but continued walking through the streets of London. Even Jace had to marvel at how beautiful the place was. Huge gothic structures towered above him, carved out of pure marble that shone in the sunlight. He had never seen anything like it before, not even in Idris. But then again, he had never been thrown into another time and met his ancestor before.

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