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A/N: The absolutely awesome cover done by GalaxyPhann!!!! Thank you so much!! This one is dedicated to you!!! Enjoy!

-*-*-*-*- Jem -*-*-*-*-

"Jem? How is he?" Tessa's voice cut through the heavy cloud of sleep that Jem was falling under. He jerked awake, lifting his head up tiredly. It had been three days since they had found Will and Jem had not left his side, even for meals. Brother Enoch had visited every so often but there was no change in Will's condition. He was insensible, muttering and murmuring about what seemed like nonsense half the time. But whatever he was talking about, it was clear that it scared him. Jem so desperately wanted to help him in some way. Whatever Will was facing, Jem didn't want him to face it alone.

But the worst part was, there was nothing he could do.

"The same," Jem replied, sitting up in the chair from the slumped position he had been in. "I've tried everything." Tessa came towards him and placed her hands on his tense shoulders, massaging them so they relaxed.

"He'll come back to us," she said.

"Yes, but who will he be when he does?" Jem asked. He couldn't stop thinking about what Brother Enoch had said. He was terrified that he might lose his parabatai.

God, he always thought that it might be Will who lost him, he had never thought it might be the other way around.

"He will still be our Will," Tessa replied. "And we will be here to help him through it." Jem nodded, running his eyes.

"Why don't you go and get some rest?" Tessa suggested. "I can stay here with him."

"No, I'll be all right," Jem said. "You can go. Besides, Will needs my strength to heal. It won't do him any good if I'm far away from him."

"All right, if you are sure," Tessa sighed. "Call for me if you need me." She left him once again to his thoughts, but Jem was grateful. He just wanted to think.

Suddenly, there was a flicker of movement from Will's face. Jem rose to his feet slowly. Did he imagine it? But no, Will's eyes were fluttering open. His eyelids drew back and Jem was relieved at the sight of Will's familiar blue eyes.

"Will," Jem said. "Thank God you are awake. It's all right; you're in the Institute. How are you feeling?" Will stared at him with the fear of God etched all over his face.

"Who-who are you?" he stammered. Jem felt his blood go cold at the very words. Everything in the world seemed to spin, not looking like the world he knew at all.

Who are you? It wasn't possible. Will could never forget who his parabatai was.

"It's me, Will," Jem said slowly. "It's Jem. Your parabatai."

"I-I don't know you," Will stuttered. "Where am I? What's going on? What's happening?" He then struggled up, tumbling off the bed. Jem yelped in surprise, rushing towards his parabatai.

"Will? Will, are you all right?" he exclaimed. Will let out a cry of terror and crawled away on his hands and knees.

"Get away from me!" he shouted. "Don't come near me!" He scrambled to his feet but groaned in pain as his did so, holding his ribs. Jem couldn't help but notice the brands around Will's wrists was bleeding, his blood dripping down his hands.

"Will, you need to calm down," Jem said, holding out his hands. "You're bleeding. You have to let me help you. Just breathe, Will. Just relax." But Will wasn't listening. His eyes were flicking about the room so quickly, widening in fear. His breathing was sharp and shallow.

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