Chapter 33

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 The forest was sullen, the camp feeling even darker than before. Dawnfire's pawsteps were heavy and her sleep was restless. Poppyfur had been dead for several days now, and SunClan still hadn't adjusted. Pebblestep was being responsible as the new SunClan medicine cat, but Dawnfire still felt guilt clawing inside of her. Dawnfire hoped that Honeywing or Poppyfur would come visit her but so far she hadn't had a single dream of anything, she struggled even with falling asleep. Lionclaw had been supportive but Dawnfire couldn't shake what had happened with Poppyfur the day she died off her chest.

And tonight was the gathering, the gathering where SunClan would announce their new warrior, their exiled deputy and the death of their medicine cat. Would SunClan seem stronger or weaker because of it? Either way, Dawnfire really didn't want to go. She didn't have a choice anymore, however, she was the deputy and had to support her Clan and leader in front of the others. She would be strong even though she wanted to run away and hide. While she waited for moonhigh, Dawnfire sent Crowfur, Sandfoot, Snowtail and Brackenpelt on a patrol and Cloudspots, Heatherflight and Adderstrike to go hunting shortly before the gathering.

Both patrols returned, one with little news and one with lots of prey. At least that was good, SunClan wouldn't be short on prey for a while. Dawnfire looked over to the medicine den, Pebblestep's had done her best to keep her hopes and personality alive but Dawnfire knew the young medicine cat was struggling.

It wasn't long before the gathering started and Flowerstar asked a few warriors to stay positioned at camp incase Echoheart decided to pull another attack or Thornpelt came to visit. Dawnfire set Bramblepelt, Redclaw, Snowtail, Adderstrike, and Rainears to stay behind and keep watch, the rest of the Clan was getting ready to head out. Dawnfire was nervous, it had been a whole moon since Thornpelt's exile, and Dawnfire wouldn't just be a warrior; she would be deputy. What would the other Clans think? Dawnfire knew the MoonClan deputy well, Violetfur was a nice cat and so was the LichenClan deputy, Mossleaf and Dawnfire already knew that Riverstorm would like her; but what would the rest of AshClan think? Dawnfire shuddered, but remembered Lionclaw's words, as long as she did the best for herself and for the Clan she would do just fine.

Flowerstar gathered the Clan, and they set out for the gathering. Dawnfire walked close with Flowerstar, she was the deputy and she wanted it to be known. Lionclaw walked close behind Dawnfire, all of SunClan kept close together; they wouldn't be very warm to AshClan and they were all still sad about Poppyfur. Dawnfire could tell that Pebblestep would be nervous, being the sole SunClan medicine cat; Dawnfire could see it in her eyes because it was the same emotion she was feeling about being deputy.

SunClan crossed the river swiftly and entered the Gathering Hollow, both LichenClan and MoonClan had shown up, but AshClan was nowhere in sight; Dawnfire felt slightly uneasy but knew that Lionstar wouldn't allow a second attack on the SunClan camp, everything would be just fine. Flowerstar made her way to the four trees, she greeted Shadowstar and Jaggedstar, Mossleaf and Violetfur sat close with their leaders; Dawnfire imitated and stayed with Flowerstar.

"Good evening, Flowerstar." Shadowstar dipped his head respectfully, but his amber eyes focused on Dawnfire. "Where is Thornpelt? Nothing tragic I hope?"

Dawnfire felt small under the dark leader's gaze, but stood her ground. She was grateful that Flowerstar spoke so she didn't have to. "I will explain the situation with Thornpelt once the gathering starts."

"Fair enough," Jaggedstar nodded then also looked at Dawnfire. "So, are you the new deputy now?"

Dawnfire noded. "Yes, I am." She fought to keep her voice steady, Jaggedstar was the oldest of the four leaders and had wisdom all over his face.

"I'm sure you'll be a wonderful deputy." Mossleaf purred and Violetfur nodded along.

"You are a good warrior." She said kindly, Dawnfire felt flattered by the compliments and felt her pelt grow hotter.

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