Chapter 42

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 Dawnstar could hear voices in the distance, SunClan was still in their makeshift camp; probably waiting for their new leader to return. The rain still fell, but a light drizzle. Dawnstar's paws walked slowly across the wet, forest grass. Her body ached with weariness and hunger, she hadn't eaten since before the fire and the leader ceremony accompanied with the walk to the Moonstone and back was making her legs start to ache. Dawnstar saw her Clan working around this makeshift area, there was a small pile of wet fresh kill. It was small and the prey was weak, but it was prey. She felt proud of her warriors, and they were her warriors now.

The fact that she was leader was still very odd to Dawnstar, she hadn't quite wrapped her mind around it just yet. She had nine lives and a new name; but she didn't feel like leader. Everything was different and yet it all remained the same. Dawnstar and Pebblestep approached the makeshift camp, there was no sign of the MoonClan cats that came to help, they must have returned home.

"Dawnfire!" Dawnstar jumped slightly, she saw Silvermoon bounding up to her with wide eyes filled with excitement. "Oh, uh I guess it's Dawnstar now, right?" Dawnstar hesitated for a moment but nodded. The other SunClan cats had heard Silvermoon and were now turning to look at her. Dawnstar supposed she should make an announcement.

"Cats of SunClan!" She called for the first time, she didn't really have SunTree to make her announcement either. "I suppose you all should know that the ceremony was complete, and I am now the leader."

"Welcome, Dawnstar!" Sandfoot was the first to shout.

"Dawnstar! Dawnstar!" The rest of SunClan cheered, the mood seemed a lot lighter than when she had left. Dawnstar's chest filled with warmth, she felt truly welcomed by SunClan as the new leader.

"Congratulations, Dawnstar." Riverstorm said as the blue-gray she-cat approached. "SunClan is lucky to have you." Dawnstar dipped her head respectfully.

"That means alot coming from you, Riverstorm. You've always been an incredible deputy to AshClan." Dawnstar dipped her head, Riverstorm was many moons older than Dawnstar, and she still respected her. Riverstorm's eyes grew sad at the mention of her Clan, she looked away. "And I promise it won't be long before you can return to your home, I promise you Riverstorm." Riverstorm looked back up, her eyes grateful also showing a twinge of hope.

"I am going to check on Squirreltail." Pebblestep said. "Her eyes were injured when that tree fell, for now you need to focus on naming a deputy before moonhigh." The medicine cat swiftly padded away to a small makeshift den where Dawnstar could see Squirreltail sleeping, Mudpaw was resting next to her. Dawnstar suddenly remembered that she had to name a deputy, who would she name? Which cat was right for the job?

"Welcome home, Dawnstar." Dawnstar heard a soft mew that instantly calmed her, it was Lionclaw. He was completely unharmed from the fire and his eyes were as bright as ever. "How was the ceremony?"

"It was unlike anything else." Dawnstar said, she wished she could tell Lionclaw about Sunstream and Tigertail; but Pebblestep told her not to share what she had seen while in StarClan. "Come with me, I want to see our kits." Dawnstar really did want to see Honeykit and Falconkit, she hoped they would be awake. The area that they had been sleeping in was being guarded by Lilyclaw and Applespots, the two queens were talking quietly with each other. Honeykit and Falonckit were batting a small pebble back and forth. Lilyclaw looked up when Dawnstar and Lionclaw approached.

"You're back!" The AshClan she-cat exclaimed, getting Honeykit's attention. Falonckit batted the rock one last time, it bounced off a larger rock in the ground with a small clack sound. The two kits were on alert and bounded past Applespots and Lilyclaw.

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