Chapter 19

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**Jenna's POV**

Ryan is bringing me lunch to my studio today and Mason and Sam are coming into town. I can't wait to spend some time with them.

"Food is here! And I also brought Max" Ryan said as Max ran into my office

"Hi my baby" I said petting Max then getting up and hugging Ryan

"How's work been?" Ryan asked

"Steady! I think I have everything worked out where I can join you on your last 2 weeks of tour"

"Wow, you really are busy"

"I know. I wanted to be there for more, but my schedule won't allow it" I said sadly

"Its ok. The last two weeks are normally the longest"

"I'm sure since everyone is anxious to get home"

Ryan took me out to a really nice restrant a few days ago, and that was our first offical date. We've been hanging out a lot lately though. I'm really going to miss him when he leaves for tour. I heard someone walk into my studio so I got up to find Mason and Sam walking into my office

"Hey big sister" mason said hugging me

"Hey little brother" I said laughing since Mason is way taller than me.

"Hey Jenna!" Sam said and we hugged as Mason and Ryan were talking

"How's the baby?" I asked rubbing her stomach

"Good! Doctor said it's very healthy."

"That's awesome! I'm so happy for you two!"

"Do you ever think about having one?" Sam asked looking at Ryan then back at me

"I've thought about it, but I have Max. He's the only kid I need"

Sam just nodded understanding the situation

"When did you get this?" Sam asked pointing to the tattoo on my shoulder

"A few months ago. Each flower is for someone"

"It's beautiful"

"Thanks, so should we take some pictures?" I asked

"Yes!!" Sam said

It took me a couple hours but I got all the pictures Mason and Sam wanted. After we decided to go back to my house. Mason and Sam wanted to stay at a hotel after I told them they could stay at my house, but anyway Ryan and I are here now

"When did you get a cat?" Ryan asked

"A few days ago, her name is pumpkin. She's more Zoey's than mine, but I still love her"

"Where is Zoey?"

"She's at work I think. She'll be home soon"

Ryan came over to me and pulled me close by my hips and kissed me

A few hours later

I'm currently getting ready for dinner with Mason and Sam. Ryan was going to join me, but he had to go to band practice so Zoey is going to join us instead

"Are you almost ready?" Zoey asked

"Yes, I just gotta find my converse"

"Uh, they're downstairs, but may I ask how your bra got onto the lamp?" Zoey asked

"I must have thrown it there earlier" I said going downstairs with a smirking Zoey following me. I don't know how she knows everything

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