Chapter 10

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Caroline kept staring at her cell phone.

It was taunting her, threatening her and she couldn't bring herself to pick it up. She knew that she had to face her mother at some point and she knew it would go down easier if she just called her.

"You can do this, Caroline." She told herself. "Just pick up the phone and tell them you're madly in love."

She stopped thinking and reached for it. She slid the unlock button and dialed her mother's cell. Her mother picked up on the second ring.

"Caroline." Her mother said addressing her informally.

"Hi mommy." Caroline never called her mother 'mommy'. She usually used 'mom', but knew her mother was already upset with her. She needed to be as convincing and sweet as possible.

"I guess congratulations are in order." It came out as a statement. She sensed no excitement in her mothers voice and it broke her heart.

"I love him, mom." She said. "I'm sorry you didn't know sooner or hear from me first, but I really want you to be there for me."

There was a long pause and Caroline felt herself holding her breath.

Please, don't hate me.

She wanted to kill Klaus for not giving her the chance to speak to her parents.

She was barely getting through to her mother and the thought of speaking to her father was enough to make her pass out.

He would carry on the conversation while he was polishing his gun.

"Of course I'll be there for you baby," Her voice sounded softer. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. You know I love you." Caroline smiled in relief.

"But, Caroline." Her mother began to warn her. "Your father is the one that's not happy. I don't think I can convince him to come to the wedding, dear." Caroline's face fell.

Her father was always a hard man and Caroline had never been a 'daddy's girl', but it hurt.

Caroline's father disapproved almost everything she had done in life. He looked down on her line of work, her choice in school and even the car she drove.

She never won with him and now he wasn't even going to be there to walk her down the aisle.

She fought back the tears, trying not to act disappointed. She should've seen this coming.

"I'm sorry, baby." Her mother tried to sooth her.

"I just hope he changes his mind." Caroline was trying to be optimistic.

Caroline ended the conversation, relieved that her mother was going to be there. She planned on arriving the morning of the rehearsal dinner.

The entire wedding party was staying at a hotel where the rehearsal dinner was being hosted.

The day of the wedding, Caroline would get ready at the hotel, then go over to the venue where the wedding would be held.

It was frustrating because that was about as detailed as Klaus' mother got with Caroline when she sent her the email earlier that morning.

All you have to do is show up. Klaus' words rang in her head.

She really wanted to slap him, but the part of her that cared about people stopped her on occasion.

The sound of the door opening stalled her thoughts. Bonnie walked in smiling with a garment bag in hand.

"I'm guessing dress shopping was a success?" Caroline asked. She was still a little irritated that she didn't go.

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