Chapter 12

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If Caroline had one word to describe Klaus' penthouse, it would probably be cold. The entire apartment was without a doubt spotless. Caroline was scared to walk in the front door once she saw what was behind it.

Between the black leather couches and the steel top counters in the kitchen, Caroline wasn't sure how often he was even here.

It felt untouched. It looked untouched.

The lack of personal items was also an indicator of how empty the place felt. He didn't even keep any fruit on the kitchen counter. What type of person doesn't keep bananas?

"You can make yourself at home." He said ironically.

Yeah, right. I'll get on that.

The place felt like a cold dungeon.

"Where is my room?" Caroline asked ignoring his comment.

At this point, she just wanted to sleep. She could wait to argue with him in the morning.

"Let me show you." He began to walk into a narrow hallway. Caroline followed him.

They went past two or three doors before he stopped in front of one. "This is your room." He pointed to the door.

"And also mine." He added smugly.

AH, no.

Caroline was in no mood for his annoying antics. "I'm going to find a couch." She told him.

"You will be staying in here." He told her as if she had no option.

"No." Caroline told him. "I will be sleeping far away from you, Mr. Mikaelson." She added with an attitude. Klaus didn't like it.

"You forget yourself, future Mrs. Mikaelson." The smug looked he had earlier was replaced with a glare. "The only way these people are going to believe that we're married is if you and I share a room. Don't you think it would be suspicious if we slept in separate rooms, Caroline?"

Caroline didn't hesitate before she answered him. "Until I carry your name, which I recall isn't for about two days… I'm sleeping on the couch!" Caroline screamed at him.

Klaus momentarily looked stunned at her remark, but quickly gathered himself. He grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her in close.

He leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Then I look forward to sharing a bed with you in two days, love." His lips brushed her cheek and Caroline jumped not expecting the contact.

She pulled back and her instincts took over. She slapped him across the face before she could stop herself. Caroline gasped realizing what she just did.

Klaus didn't even flinch. Hell, he barely even moved and his platonic face scared the shit out of Caroline.

"I assure you my dear, if you ever do that again, you will be punished." Without taking another glance at her, he opened the door to their future bedroom and slammed the door.

Caroline awoke the next morning and reached around for her cell phone. Sometime after their fight Caroline attempted to sleep on the couch. It was stiff, cold and uncomfortable.

At about three in the morning, she finally fell asleep. When she awoke, she knew that Klaus had left already because Caroline awoke with a blanket on her that hadn't been there before.

The gesture warmed her heart, but she reprimanded her thoughts. He was such an ass last night. She was lucky that she even stayed at the apartment let alone let him try to convince her to share a bed with him.

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