Chapter 31 - Epilogue

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Chapter 31: Epilogue

Elijah and Klaus sat on top of the deck peering down at the two bouncing blonde twins that were chasing each other in the yard.

Klaus took a swing of his beer and smiled.

"I was always jealous of what you had with Katherine, brother." Klaus admitted. "I would have never thought I would be married at my age let alone have two beautiful children and another son on the way."

"I'm proud of you, Klaus." Elijah chuckled as he watched the twins interact.

"Caroline did all of the hard work." Klaus praised. "She's perfect."

Caroline emerged from the sliding glass door with a plate in hand. Katherine, Rebekah and Bonnie followed behind them with various dishes of food.

She placed her hand on her swollen stomach and smiled at the thought of another son. She loved her two little munchkins, but knew that Klaus was aching for another boy.

Today was the twins fourth birthday party and Caroline was on edge. A mix of the hormones from pregnancy and stress from having the perfect party was weighing down on her.

Klaus had always told her that she brought additional stress on herself, but she strived for the best for her children.

"It's time to eat!" Caroline shouted to the children in the yard.

The twins were accompanied by Elijah and Rebekah's three year old Brayden and Bonnie and Marcel's two year old, Michelle.

"Angelina sit down!" Caroline scolded. "Isaac stop pulling your sisters hair." She turned to the other one.

"I'm losing my mind." Caroline said placing the watermelon on the table as she settled the twins.

Once they were settled and eating Caroline took a seat next to Klaus. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Twins giving you trouble today?" Klaus asked with a playful grin on his face.

"They give me trouble everyday, but I love them all the same." She said. "Don't you want to know how your son is doing?"

"I always want to know how my boy is doing." He smiled placing his hand on Caroline's stomach.

"He's been kicking the crap out of me all day. I think he's ready to come out."

"Tell him to wait until his due date."

"If he's anything like his father, he will come when he pleases." Caroline chuckled.

A few minutes later the commotion died down and another person emerged from the house.

Tyler Lockwood offered a wave as he made eye contact with Caroline on the deck. Since they found out the verdict four years ago, Caroline barely interacted with Tyler.

Unless it was at family functions since technically Klaus was related to him.

Klaus spent the first year of his life getting to know who his real father was and getting to know the Lockwood side of the family.

Caroline was there for him every step of the way, but she kept her distance from Tyler. They were civil towards each other, but she knew that they would never be the same.

The Lockwood's welcomed Klaus with open arms and surprisingly Tyler embraced him like a brother.

The Mikaelson side of the family was still trying to cope with the loss of their father. It took Rebekah two years to get over what he did. She didn't believe it, but she soon was able to accept it.

Through several counseling sessions and the support of family Esther was also able to come to terms with what happened.

Out of everyone, she was the one who suffered the most. She had loved Mason Lockwood and had resented Mikael for what he did.

The family was finally starting to come together again and for that Klaus was thankful.

The circumstances of his marriage might not have been ideal, but in the end it all worked out for the best.

When he promised himself to Caroline for the second time four years ago he vowed to treat Caroline as an equal.

He knew he would have to live with the fact that he wasn't the man he should've been back when their marriage was based on a contract. He knew that Caroline forgave him years ago, but it took him a while to forgive himself.

She helped him get through that.

She helped him through the grief and the heartache of the loss of a man who was never his real father.

She helped him find himself and for that he would be forever in debt to the woman he loved.

"Caroline Mikaelson, do you take Niklaus Mikaelson again for the second time to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Caroline held tightly onto Klaus' hands. She was almost shaking at the thought of marrying Klaus for real this time.

"Do you Niklaus Mikaelson take Caroline Mikaelson again for the second time to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He squeezed her hand. "Caroline. I want to tell you in front of all of these people that we may not have married each other the first time based on love. I took advantage of you, used your weaknesses and even manipulated you in the past to do as I wished.

I now realize that the man I was to you was not deserving of your love. He was selfish, egotistical and only cared for himself. You made me realize that there is more to life than what I've seen. You made me fall in love with life all over again.

You changed me, Caroline Mikaelson. I'm so in love with you I can't even see straight. You make me this way. You bring out a side of me that I never knew I had. I am honored to be standing before you today.

I am honored that you are willing to spend the rest of your life with me because you love me as much as I love you. I will eternally be in your debt and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Klaus smiled as he remembered his wedding vows. Caroline hadn't expected it and that's what made the experience even better.

"Ready to sing?" Caroline broke him out of his gaze.

"Let me get the candles, love." He kissed her on the forehead and fetched the candles and a lighter from the kitchen.

Bonnie presented the cake in front of the twins. Caroline took the candles from Klaus' hand and strategically placed them on the cake.

Klaus stood next to Caroline and lit the candles.

They both watched their twins eyes widen as the candles went up in flames.

"Angelina, Isaac." Caroline cooed. "Smile for the camera!"

Klaus placed his arm around Caroline as they both smiled in the direction of the camera.

The twins were barely paying attention and Caroline prayed that they at least got one good picture.

Klaus laughed as his wife fussed over perfecting the twins.

They began to sing 'Happy Birthday' and as they blew the candles out Klaus leaned over towards Caroline and placed a solid kiss on her lips.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." Caroline said.

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