Chapter 23

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He returned to the party trying to keep his thoughts together. For a man who seemed to have his entire life planned like a book, he was beginning to crumble at the seams.

He refused to look at Tyler as he reappeared in the room. He made his amends to fellow businessmen as well as his family. He was itching to speak to Caroline again.

The stunt he pulled was definitely out of context for him, but he felt desperate. Too desperate and his need to stay in the states was taking a toll on him.

He was turning into everything he didn't want to be… his father. The way he treated Caroline sickened him. Never before had he felt remorse for the way he treated a woman.

Not until now.

"I trust that your wife is well?" An unknown man came up to him.

"She a little under the weather." He replied to the man. He was unfamiliar, but Klaus knew what he was here for. "But I'm sure it will pass." He said taking a swing of his champagne.

"And how far along is she?" The man pressed Klaus for answers.

"We haven't seen her doctor yet." Klaus said honestly.

The man nodded curtly before disappearing.

"I assume all is well brother?" Kol appeared suddenly after the man disappeared.

"Fine, Kol. I'm fine." He replied without much thought. His response was automatic.

"Father wants to meet with us in one of the conference rooms in ten minutes." He said coolly and straight to the point.

Klaus raised an eyebrow at him. "What about?"

"He didn't say." Kol told him.

Klaus and his three brothers sat before their father ten minutes later. His father seemed dejected

They sat in silence for a moment before he spoke.

"I know the arrangement of this meeting is a bit uncanny and I hoped to speak with you all at a later date, but I fear that it is not possible."

Klaus remained calm, but his brothers looked tense.

"This primarily concerns you Klaus, but I wanted you all here before the press published it tomorrow."

"Published what father?" Elijah was apprehensive.

His father slammed his fist on the desk. The three brothers jumped. Their father was restless and they knew whatever was bothering him was causing him to act in a way he hadn't foryears.

It was the only thing that brought fear to their eyes.

"Klaus." He looked at him sternly.

"I'm not your father." He said in a low voice.

It seemed like hours before his father spoke again.

"I tried my best to keep this under wraps, but unfortunately my publicist revealed these delicate matters to an unidentified source. I will deal with my publicist at a later time, but you finding out was inevitable."

"Why now?" Klaus asked trying to hide the hurt in his voice. "After all these years… why now?"

"I was blackmailed, son."

"Don't call me son." Klaus stood up and pointed his finger at him. "You are not my father."

"That's the reason your visa is about to expire." He said as Klaus turned his back to leave the room. "Your mother had an affair overseas. I made her give birth to you out of the country. I never wanted you, Klaus."

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