mingyu ❄︎

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You're sitting in class waiting for the day to begin and end as fast as possible, it's not like you want to be at school. You start to rest your head on the desk when your friend Chaeyoung rushes in and takes your cheeks in her hands and stares at you intensely.

"What do you want Chae?" You asked slightly annoyed.

"(Y/N) have you seen the new guy Mingyu?? He's so hot right? Well apparently he's supposed to be shadowing someone in our class today I hope it's me!!" squeals Chaeyoung.

"No I haven't seen Minguy or whatever and why do I care?"

"Well someone's grumpy" Chaeyoung pouts

"Sorry Chae I'm just not in a good mood" You reach over to hug her apologetically.

The next moment a tall figure walks in and Chae-Young shoots up out of her seat and crowds around the guy with the rest of the girls in the class. You stay in your seat not wanting to be trampled by preppy girls obsessing over a boy.

"Mhm" the teacher clears her throat and students begin to slump back into their seats.

"Students this is Mingyu he just moved here and will be shadowing one of you today, the principal picked who based on their grades and good behavior"

"Mingyu the person you will be following around for the next few days is (Y/N), she sits right over there, I hope you two get along and you enjoy your time at this school" Mrs. Patterson says facing you and directing Mingyu to the seat next to you.

You really out of all these people. You breathe in and out hoping nothing bad would come out of this. What's the worst that could happen? Fall in love with his perfect jawline, brown eyes, soft blonde hair, his shy smile, and the waddle like way he walks toward you? No that will most definitely not happen! Right?

-after school-

"So (Y/N) do you have anything to do after school?" Mingyu asks shyly

"Not really I usually go to the cafe near the park to get some work done."

"Do you mind if I tag along, I haven't made many friends yet." He says with a slight sigh

"Sure. I'm surprised, i figured you would join right into a group just by how beautiful you are" you covered your mouth after realized what you said and hid your blushing face in your locker.

"It's okay (Y/N) thanks for the friendly compliment." says Mingyu with a slight blush as well.

Friendly compliment is that what he took it as? Well that's not what you meant. You smile grabbing his hand and leading him out of the school

-coffee shop-

"Here are your drinks" says the waitress while setting down a hot chocolate for you and whatever the heck Mingyu got.

"So is this a date?" Mingyu blurts breaking the silence.

You look up from your textbook with wide eyes.

"Uh I-I don't know do you want it to be, I mean we've only known eachother for 6 hours it's not like I already started crushing on you and your adorable nerdiness and I beg you are just planning to make a joke out of this, who would ever want to go on a date with me?!?" You ramble out and hit flop your head onto the table realizing what you just said.

After a moment of embarrassment you look up to see Mingyu right above your face, before you can react he quickly pecks your lips and sits back down i his seat and hides his face.

Even though this was never your intention it still happened and at least it wasn't anything bad. "I guess we can call this a date now" you say reaching over to hold Mingyu's hand.


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