seungkwan ♡

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It was karaoke night over at Vernon's house. He invited you over to play along with the boys. Hopefully there wouldn't be any alcohol involved... You, Vernon, and Dino are all under the drinking age so if there was, you'd all have to step out. Eh, what's there to worry about? Your phone buzzed with a text from Jun.
Jun: I'm at your front door. Come out when you're ready.
Y/N: okay i'll be right out! :)
You ran to the front door but before you opened it, you looked at yourself in your body mirror. Ripped off-blue jeans and an oversized tee. You fixed your hair and opened the door to see Jun waiting for you.

"Ready to go? You look nice... for once..." he said, eyeing your outfit.

"Thanks Junhui..." you said sarcastically. "Okay let's go. I don't want to be late." You pushed Jun out of the way and started walking without him.

"H-Hey y/n wait up! I'm sorry for being so salty!"  Jun ran to catch up to you and you both walked to Hansol's. Along the walk, you discussed Seventeen's comeback. After a few minutes of walking, you arrived at Hansol's.  Jun walked up in front of you and let the both of you in. When you walked in, all the lights were off and there was a disco ball going. Hard Carry by Got7 was playing in the background and Dokyeom and Woozi were singing along with the microphones. Seungkwan, Minghao, and Dino were chilling on the couch, egging DK and Woozi on, Vernon and Coups were in the kitchen cooking, Joshua, Hoshi, Jeonghan, Mingyu and Wonwoo were in the corner taking turns playing Halo.

"Were here!" Jun announced. Many heads turned to see you and Jun in the doorway. You kicked off your bright orange Nike slides and walked in.

"Hey guys!" You sat down next to Minghao.

"Hey!" Seungkwan replied excitedly. He had been your crush for a while now and only Joshua and Jun knew. The next song came on, BOOMBAYAH by BLACKPINK. Knowing Seungkwan, he would most likely get up and start dancing.

"oh YEEEEAH!" Seungkwan yelled and ran over to the "stage" and grabbed a microphone.

"Been a bad girl you know I am, and i'm so hot need a fan, i don't wanna boy i need a man-" he slapped his thighs and started to dance to the song. you couldn't help but laugh. You got up to join him at the chorus

"BOOM BOOMBAYAH!" you both screamed into the microphones and started to head bang. After a while, all 12 of the other members gathered around, cheering you both on as you sang and danced. Then the song ended. Everybody clapped and cheered.

"You're such a good rapper y/n!" Seungkwan said and draped an arm around your shoulder.

"Thanks Seungkwan! Your note accuracy is impeccable!" you replied.

"You think so? Thanks. i try." he blushed a little and sorta looked away. Then, your jam, 21st Century Girl came on.

"YAAAAAS!" you ran and grabbed a microphone and started singing. About a minute in, Seungkwan joined you and you both mocked RapMonster. The rest of SVT kinda ignored you two because this one wasn't as good as BLACKPINK.

"You're so good at karaoke y/n." Seungkwan said.

"Really? Cause i think you're better." you replied.

"Haha sure. Come on, let's go take a walk." He said and lead you out the front door. Neither of you bothered to put any shoes on but they were useless at this point.

"I wanna take you somewhere." he said.

"Yeah, I figured..." you replied sarcastically.

"Don't be such a debby downer..." he pouted. he got closer to you and laced his fingers with yours. You then realized you were in front of beautiful cherry tree and Seungkwan was now standing directly across from you.

"I've liked you for a while y/n... that's why you were invited today. I was supposed to confess to you in front of the boys but I wussed out... i'm sorry if that disappoints you."

"You know what Seungkwan, I like you too. A lot. I even told Jun and Joshua about it! And no i'm not disappointed in you? Why would I be? It's o-" you were cut off by him kissing you sweetly on the lips. He pulled back and said,

"Then I hope that was okay..."

"Perfect." You replied. He held your hand all the way back to the dorm. When you got back, he explained everything that happened and you both started the karaoke up again. What a perfect ending ;)



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