dino ☼

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ecstatic children fill the mall, running to macy's all for the same reason; to mail a letter to santa. a christmas festivity to be done by people of all ages.

your boyfriend chan was so excited to take you to the mall for christmas shopping. well, that's what he said he was taking you there for, but it was no secret that he just wanted to go to macy's to mail a letter to santa. childish, maybe for an adult, but chan is far from being an adult, mentally, and age-wise. he is your baby, and you would do just about anything to please him. you had ten minutes to spare, before he picked you up, so you make the both of you hot chocolate. you plopped two mini marshmallows into your cups, and squirted some whipped cream on the top. just as you finished with the whipped cream, there was a knock at your door. 11:00 sharp. he was just on time.

"hey channie!" you exclaimed. you ran over to your boyfriend and flung yourself on him.

"hey cutie! jeez, did i miss you!" he excitedly replied, wrapping his arms around you. you giggled.

"i missed you too! look! i made us hot chocolate!" you proudly pointed at the mugs, which had a large amount of whipped cream on top, which was ready to spill at any given moment.

"wow! thanks love!" he said, walking over to take a drink of one of them. "it tastes great!" he had whipped cream all over his lips. you laughed.

"you got a little something here..." you gently wiped the milky white cream off of his plump lips.

"thanks y/n." he replied, staring you straight in the eyes, causing you to blush. you hid your face in embarrassment.

"yea yea, now let's go." you grabbed his hand, forgetting the hot chocolate, and dragged him out to his car. you flung the door open and sat down. he got in on the other side, and put the keys in the ignition. when he started the car, a large amount of hot air spewed out from the heaters. you playfully fanned your face and he turned the heat down.

"do you want your seat warmer on cutie?" he asked. you shook your head no. he pulled out of your short driveway and put on the christmas tunes. you both sang along the the familiar music on the long car ride to the mall. when you got there, chan excitedly got
out of the car. he ran over to your door and opened it for
you, quicker than you could process. was he edward cullen or something? you giggled at his cuteness and got out.

"come on y/n! let's go!" he yelled, excitedly tugging on your hand.

"okay, okay!" you finally gave in. you had to almost run to keep up with him. he was walking reaaaaly fast, and you weren't sure how long you would be able to keep up with him. as soon as you got into the mall, chan ran, no, sprinted toward macy's. you ran after your childish boyfriend and tried to ignore the strange looks that people were giving you. chan had actually stopped at the entrance to macy's, which you thought was nice of him.

"did you forget about me?" you asked, panting and out of breath.

"haha, sorry about that..." he rubbed the back
of his head. "i just got a little too
excited, ya know?" he went and stood
next you. he took your hand in his and lead you into the store.

cheery christmas music played over the intercom system. you weren't a fan of macy's by any means. large department stores made you uncomfortable. too many people which means its unnaturally loud, and it's easy to get lost. somehow, chan knew everything about the store. he lead you right to the kids section where there was a small table with a few chairs and a giant red mailbox right next to it.

"yess!" he said. he ran over to the table and sat down on one of the tiny chairs. he took the pencil and started to write. "come on, y/n, come write with me!" he exclaimed. you sighed and sat down on one of the chairs. as soon as you sat down, he hid his letter from
you in a childish way. he obviously didn't want you to see what he was writing. you started to write on a sheet of paper. you were interrupted by chan standing up to put his letter in the box.

"wait, wait, wait. hold up." you laid your hand on his shoulder. "what did you wish for?" you asked him. a slight blush dusted his cheeks and he looked down at the ground.

"you go first." he said. for whatever reason, he was flustered. you sighed and read what you wrote.

"dear santa,
this christmas, i would like to have a good time with my family, and my amazing boyfriend chan. i cant wait for you to come leave us presents! i hope you will enjoy our cookies. seasons greetings!
♡ y/n"

"that's a nice wish." he looked up at you and smiled shyly.

"i read mine, now read yours." you sternly replied. he winced.

"dear santa," he started, and paused for a minute.
"this christmas, all i want is y/n. she has always been there for me, and all i want is to spend my entire break with her. i love her so much.
-chan" you blushed at his adorable note.

"chan, that's so sweet!" you said, hugging him. you then took his note from his hand, and dropped both into the mailbox. he looked at you and blushed.

"i think we found a new tradition." he grabbed both of your hands.

"i agree. thank you chan." you replied.

"anytime love. sometimes, you just gotta trust me." he chuckled. you laughed back.

"yeah, okay. now let's go. i'm getting hungry." you replied.

"merry christmas y/n."

"merry christmas chan."


haha this one is longer ;)

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