dino ☼

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the spring talent show was right around the corner. rumor says that that this one features who can dance just like michael jackson. michael jackson has been your idol since you were young so you couldn't pass up on going. you rummaged through your closet and found a cute shirt and blouse to wear and threw it on. you straightened your hair and you phone buzzed.

jimin: were outside your house

y/n: alright! i'll be right out

you grabbed your phone and purse and ran downstairs and out to his car. you walked up to his car and got in he back with mark. hakyeon was in the front with jimin.

"hey y/n! you look pretty." jimin said.

"thanks chim! you look nice too! i can't wait to see that rumored michael jackson guy." you said with a slight blush.

"how did i know that was coming..." mark said from beside you.

"hehe." you giggled. jimin ignited the engine and drove off towards the school. when you got there, you excitedly hopped out of the car and sprinted to the doors.

"yo, wait up y/n!" hakyeon yelled.

"i need good seats i'll meet you in there!" you yelled back and continued to sprint towards the large doors. once you were inside, you were greeted at the table where you buy tickets. you bought your tickets for your friends and you and headed into the auditorium. inside it was pretty crowded but there were still many seats up front. you sat smack dab middle in the front row and made sure nobody took your seats. a few minutes later, your friends entered.

"nice seats y/n!" mark exclaimed. he gave you a fist bump and sat beside you.

"yeah!" you excitedly yelled back. hakyeon sat on your right and jimin next to him. you were really antsy and couldn't wait for the show to start. er, rather to see the guy who dances like MJ. the show started after the auditorium was full and the first few acts were okay. next up was a girl singing "all by myself" by celine dion. she got every high not and you were shook. finally, next up was the guy who could dance like michael jackson. you heard the beat of smooth criminal start to play and instantly you started to hum along. from the left side of the stage came a young boy whom you have never seen before. the school you attend is so big that there were a lot of people you don't know. although, you feel like you've seen him before... now that you think about it, he was in your history class. he walked on stage and started the dance. being the MJ freak, you started to sing along. you watched him move and everything was on point. you felt yourself blush as you watched his hips move to the beat and saw the concentrated look on his face. your eyes followed him everywhere we went on stage. how could someone be so good? the came to an end and he stopped, bowed, and moonwalked perfectly off stage. he received a standing ovation as the last act and everybody who had participated lined up and bowed. after the show, you dragged hakyeon with you to go find him.

"hey!" you yelled as you ran up to the kid. he was even cuter close up. his sparkly suit and his cutely trimmed hair made you blush. his face was the best part. it looked so innocent and you instantly looked away with red cheeks.

"oh hey y/n." he said, "how'd you like my performance? hopefully it was good!" how does he know you? oh wait, history class... you had to try and remember his name.

"hey y/n, i'm gonna go get mark and jimin." hakyeon said and walked off.

"yes chan, your performance was amazing." you said. you made direct eye contact with him and you could see his face turn a dusty pink color.

"g-good. i'm really g-glad you liked it..." he said, flustered.

"you know," you started to change the subject, hopefully to make him feel at ease, "i really like michael jackson too... maybe you should teach me sometime!"

"y-yeah! i'd love to! but first, how about tomorrow night you and me g-go to the cafe for coffee you kn-"

"so a date?" you interrupted.

"y-yes exactly!" he excitedly yelled. "thank you y/n, for saying yes. i've liked you for a long time I just never had the guts to ask you..." he gently cupped your chin in his hand and pressed his lips to your forehead. after a second, he pulled back.

"i'll see you tomorrow night after school." he winked at you and moonwalked away. after he was gone, jimin walked up behind you and whispered in your ear,

"you've been hit by a smooth criminal." and tried to moonwalk away but failed and fell down. you laughed at his bad impression and walked out without him, happier than eve.

this guy is making his way up onto my bias wrecker list


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