joshua ✟

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Laser tag huh? You never expected Joshua to like laser tag, but here you are waiting on your front porch waiting for him to pick you up. You hear a beep signifying you got a text. You reach into your backpack and pull out your brand new iPhone 7 and press on Joshua's contact.

"Hey (Y/N) I'll be there in about 10 minutes. I'm stopping by the store and grabbing something. Need anything?" You smile at his text and begin to reply

"Okay. I'm here waiting, and no I don't need anything. Thank you :)"

"Okay see you soon;)"  Did he just text wink you? No it's in a friendly way... Joshua doesn't like you like that you guys are best friends but nothing more...

You're deep into the book you are reading when a car pulls up and a familiar face pops out and runs toward you.

"HEYYY (Y/N) I brought you something" He cheers and engulfs you in a hug.

"Heyy Shua, you seem very happy today hehe." you say hugging him back.

"I am!" He says lightly bouncing up and down.

"Here this is for you" he says handing me a Seventeen t-shirt with his name and number on the back and a couple candy bars.

"Awe Joshua what's this for? You really didn't have to! You're so sweet! Thank you" you say pulling him into another hug.

"No problem just a little something to say that I love you" he smiles

"I love you too Shua" you say putting out your hand to start your and Joshua's secret handshake.

"Wanna get going?" ask Joshua

"Sure" you say heading towards the car.

As you climb in you wonder if the other boys are going to come.

"Hey Shua are the other boys coming?"

"Uh no I figured it could just be us for today?" He asks nervously.

"Okay that's sounds fun!" You replied cheerfully, hoping you didn't hurt his feelings by asking where the others where.

The ride took about twenty minutes. During the ride, you and Joshua sang and had fun.

After you suited up to begin lazer tag you enter the dark room and Joshua runs off before you can state that you were going to win.

About halfway through the game you were a couple points in front of Joshua, you decided to hide behind one of the tall blocks to catch your breath.

You hear a familiar giggle behind you and pick up your gun to aim, before you can run Joshua comes around from the other side pushes you into the nearest corner and kisses you on the lips. You're shocked at first but start to relax and let him kiss you longer. He pulls away and shoots the target on your gear and runs away screaming "I WONNN!!"
You run towards him and finally catch up to him.

"Shua what was that for?" You smile holding his shoulders.

"It was a distraction so that I could win" he laughed.

You frown about because it wasn't exactly the answer you were looking for. He seemed to take notice of your state so he spoke up.

"OK truth is there's a reason I bought you a shirt with MY name on it, invited you here ALONE. It's because I like you and I didn't know how to tell you so the boys helped me plan this..."

"Ohhh that makes sense why Seungkwan text me and asked if I wanted to go with you. Were you too nervous?" He nods "yes".

"Awe Joshua I like you too, no in fact I love you bestfriend and boyfriend?"

"Are you asking me out?" He blushes.

"Yes I am." You say pecking him on the lips. You laced your fingers with his and walked out of the laser tag place.


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