vernon ☁︎

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"you ready?" f/n asked. you looked down at your two large duffle bags at your feet.

"yeah, i think so! how about you vernon?" you asked your boyfriend who was standing next to you. he looked down at the bags he had piled up.

"uh i think so! i'm so excited!" he said, jumping up and down.

"woah, relax vernon." jun said, walking into the room. he was also holding quite a few bags, probably filled with beauty supplies.

"alright, then we should probably get on the road, yes?" f/n asked.

"yeah, we're gonna be late if we don't get going soon. our reservation is for 12:00 p.m and it's currently 5:26 a.m. it's about a 6 and a half hour drive remember." you said, grabbing vernon's hand.

"good point." jun said.

"yeah, let's get going!" vernon yelled excitedly. he picked his bags up with his free hand and you did the same. you got outside and walked over to the shiny red chrysler van and threw your bags in the back.

"i'll drive first." junhui firmly stated.

"that's cool." you replied. "f/n how about you sit up front with your man? vernon and i will hold down the fort from the back." vernon shot you an excited smile when he heard the word, "fort" probably as in blanket fort.

"alright! sounds like a plan sargent y/n and lieutenant vernon!" she giggled and hopped up front with jun. the poor man was probably regretting his decision. you and vernon got in the back and you heard f/n trying to reassure him that this was a good idea. you instantly brought out your blankets from your book bag.

"yes!" vernon exclaimed. he turned up the air conditioning so it would be cold in the car so the blankets could be useful. as soon as jun began driving, you and him put the blanket up as a curtain so you could have your privacy and so that f/n and jun could have their privacy. you took out the rest of the blankets so you and vernon could finish your fort. once you were done, vernon took off his seatbelt. (what a rebel) he laid down and motioned for you to lay with him. you took off your seatbelt, grabbed a blanket and cuddled with vernon. he wrapped his arms around you so that when the car came to a stop, you wouldn't go flying. you fell asleep listening to his heartbeat and his calming voice. he had moved the curtain a bit to talk to f/n and jun but you were too tired to join in.

a bit of a timeskip...

you woke up in vernon's arms. he was now sound asleep. you gently pulled the curtain to now see f/n driving. it was 10:22 am.

"hey! i'm supposed to be driving!" you yelled in a whisper.

"shh jun is sleeping y/n. don't worry about it." she said, keeping her eyes on the road.

"okay. thanks. how much longer?" you asked.

"about 2 hours. we'll arrive on time. just go back to sleep." she replied.

"okay." you yawned and laid your head back on vernon's chest and fell asleep once more.

another time skip...

"y/n? y/n, wake up!" you woke up to an excited vernon yelling your name. "we're here!" he exclaimed.

"hm, what? oh we are?" you groggily replied.

"yeah, jun and f/n went inside to get our reservation. come on! let's go! it's sooooo nice outside." he said, dragging you out of the car. as soon as you stepped outside, the bright sun blinded you. you groaned and held onto vernon's arm. you both walked over to the trunk of the van to get your bags. you then walked towards the main building and outside was jun and f/n with the key cards in their hands.

"wow, you're finally up." jun said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. f/n punched him.

"she was tired!" your friend stood up for you.

"yeah i was pretty tired. i wanna go swimming." you said.

"well let's go back and change, then we'll go swimming." vernon suggested.

"sounds good!" jun said. "i can't wait to show off my body!" you rolled your eyes at his stupid remark.

"i'm probably fat from eating all those snacks." f/n confessed. you laughed. you all walked back to the hotel and got changed into swimming attire. you grabbed towels and sunscreen and headed down to the outdoor pool. vernon held your hand the whole way down, shooting off any suggestive glances from other guys. the 4 of you spent the whole day relaxing in the pool. vernon got jealous of the other guys looking at you so you had to leave. best first day ever.

i may make another story with this idk

sorry this was so short /; i have school to deal with fml. at least there's only like 8 days left


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