dk ♘

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yay! another one posted! i plan to write one more while i'm on break. this one is a little short, and i apologize. enjoy!~


the streets, always filled with the excited footsteps of people, and the crunching of ice. a beautiful scene

dokyeom: i'll be there soon ;) be ready!

y/n: alrighty! i'll be there!

your boyfriend dokyeom promised you a date, and you were ecstatic. he said the location was a secret, and you couldn't wait to find out. you grabbed your parka and tims, and sat by the front door, lacing your shoes up. as you finished your left shoe, you heard a honking noise outside. he was here. you threw your parka on, opened the door, and ran out. dokyeom was waiting in his car.

"hello beautiful!" he said, waving to you.

"hi handsome." you winked. he laughed.

"you are going to love this surprise." he said.

"of course i will!" you reassured. he pulled out of your driveway and drove into town. he turned the radio up pretty loud. christmas carols and his voice filled your ears with happiness. you sang along with him on the ones you were familiar with. it didn't take long to get to the designated location. you were secretly surprised when you saw nothing there. dokyeom got out of his car, and walked to the passenger side to open your door.

"ladies first." he took your hand and helped you out.

"thank you." you giggled. he grasped your hand and led you into a store. the inside smelled of fresh pine needles and cranberry. you felt as if you could stay there forever; the scent was enchanting. you walked around, looking at all of the ornaments and gifts. you lost dokyeom somewhere in the store, but you just shrugged it off. you continued to look at all of the knick knacks. you were totally engrossed in a collection of small fox figurines when you felt a tap on the shoulder. you looked behind you to see dokyeom.

"let's go." he said. you were confused at why he wanted to leave, but you grabbed his hand and complied. you walked outside to see that his car had moved, and in its place was two black, beautiful, enormous draft horses with complex harnesses covering their bodies, that were connected to a cart. you gaped.

"d-dokyeom!" you blushed and jumped into your boyfriend's arms. he hugged you back.

"well then, shall we?" he said, leading you over to the steps of the carriage.

"yes!" you took his hand and he helped you up. he took the driver's seat, next to you. he took the blanket and laid it down over your laps.

"are you comfy?" he asked.

"yes, i am very comfy. thank you." you replied.

"merry christmas love." he said.

"merry christmas dokyeom."

and you were off.



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