[11] Boar fighting

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As the boar closed in the gap, my feet remained rooted in the ground.

Just move-dammit!

Have you ever got hit by a hit by a kid riding tricycle? If so, imagine that kid was 200 pounds instead and was charging at you at 40km/h. That was how hard I was hit, and that wasn't even the worst part, as the momentum from the impact was so great, I was literally knocked 6ft into the air and fell back to ground a second later on my butt. And if this were to be real life, I probably be in the hospital for the rest of the week.

My vision flashed red for a moment, as a vertical green bar appeared at the very top left corner of my vision, displaying the status:

HP: 95/120

25 dmg...

That means 4 more times and I will be...

While I was still recovering from the stun, I didn't even realise the boar was stamping it's hooves, until it appeared right in front of me the last second...


I was ran over like a railway, and with numbing pain scattered across my body. Slowly I reached up a hand to check to see if my head was still there.

HP: 70/120


I flopped over my head just in time to catch a glimpse of the boar charging.

I am not going to get killed by some lowly monster...

I reached out a hand at the sky and instantly regretted it as the Boar ran over me like dirt again.

HP: 45/120

Dirt kissed my mouth, but I didn't even bother wiping the dirt away from my face. Since it was clear, the hog wasn't going to stand around politely and wait for me to finish. It wanted to kill, and I could feel it.

With a half snort-half roar, the boar charged at me again. But this time, ignoring all the pain and bruises blossoming over my body, I rolled over to the side, and barely avoided the fate of being trampled over again. The boar charged another 30ft past me before it finally skitted to a halt. As I shakily stood up, it too made it's way around clumsily and stamped it's hooves again, making it a clear indication of another charge.

I breathed heavily as I rummaged through my head for a solution.

Sun Tzu once said: If all else fails, quit is the best strategy...

Running from a level 5 monster wasn't the most glorious thing in the world, but it was still better then becoming road kill. And it was at that moment, a revelation of quantum space level hit me:

I can heal myself!

With that thought in my mind, my grip tightened on my staff as I pointed it to myself and yelled:


Slowly, the numbers on my HP bar began to rise, and the blue bar, which I am 3000% sure is the mana bar, began to drop.

It was at that moment, the boar charged at me again.

I was still healing at that moment, and I realised I couldn't move, not because of fear, but rather some sort of invisible force was holding me in place. I moved away my staff at the last moment, but it was too late, as the boar ran into me and literally sent me flying into the nearest tree trunk.


My vision was now no more then a smudge of reality. The only thing that wasn't blurry was my health bar in the corner, which took a huge sky dive:

HP 20/120

Additional damage for knocked into the tree huh...

I didn't have the luxury of time to dispute the minor game mechanics inside my head, only one thing ran through my head at that time. And one thing only:

Not today...not today...

I turned and ran. 

Q: Would you do in an actual bull fight? (Only bare hands)

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