[40] My mana bar disappeared...

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Im so bored...

Having more then enough monsters to handle was one thing, but having none was just as bad. Of course, all this space of time could be used for conversation, except there was one tiny problem with that, is that I have no fkin clue how to start a proper conversation...My eyes drifted to Sioux, whom was constantly hanging onto Enju, and constantly receiving complaints...

Never mind...

I averted my eyes to Piphra.

Piphra seemed to be quiet type...

Then at last, I turned my head to Eziel.

Never mind, he's probably one of those popular guys, he's not going to talk to me...

"Is there something wrong man?" Eziel suddenly turned and met my gaze.

"No, no, not really." I pressed my lip.

"Oh, alright." Eziel turned forward again.

Oh, quit making yourself look like a fool Riga...

"We're here. The boss door is ahead." Eziel stopped and pointed. Ahead, I could see that we have stepped into a new cavern room, but unlike the tunnel we have previously travelled through, this one was rather huge and spacious. And at the very end of the cavern, was a pair of massive stone doors filled with carvings, with a blazing red torch hanging on each side.

"Alright, formation guys, and don't fall behind." Eziel said, as he took the lead. As we followed him down the path, I began to notice hundreds of bodies of bones scattered on the side of our path, with one exception of a skeleton lying in the dead centre of our paths. In a silent exchange, we walked around the skeleton and it was that moment something caught the corner of my eye:


"Don't look." Eziel snapped, as he continued to walk without turning around.

"I thought I just saw..." I looked back again.

There it was again. A shimmering blue shape, that resembled somewhat a humanoid holding a stick. But when I refocused my eyes again, it was clear that those figures were human spirits. But instead of your average Joe looking spirits, these guys were like dressed vikings who sacked villages for Friday night. And this particular one held a doubled headed axe, and I wasn't exactly too thrilled to find out whether phantom axes can split your skull or not.

"What are those things?..." My voice trailed off, as more glowing blue shapes began to mass behind us.

"Draugrs. Don't look at them..." Eziel said, as he abruptly stopped.

"What is it-" As soon as I looked ahead, I felt like I could swallow an entire eggplant. Up ahead and all around, was a wall of draugrs. In other words, we were surrounded.

Oh shit!Shit!Shit!

As the draugrs tightened their circle around us, we backed up. To the point all our backs were touching one another. Then the dragurs just stood there, as a crevice of silence began to grow between us. And eventually the silence grew so long, I feel like turning into a draugr at this rate. And just as I was about halfway transformation into a dragur, their entire ranks collapsed into us. And at once chaos swept through the space.

The metal ring of steel clashing, the chill of ice, the blinding white light, and zombies clinging onto draugrs...


Several draugrs turned to my direction and began to charge at me, and without thinking twice, I pointed my palm to the nearest draugr and yelled:

"BLOOD SPIKE!" at once, a spike of solid red liquid shot through the draugr, it appeared to cause damage, but wasn't enough to kill it. And with my life on the line, I threw out the same spell a dozen more times. And those who were killed by it simply turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared out of existence.

By the time I finished dealing with my cluster, the overall battle around the room has died down. And a minute after, the place was as quiet as a tomb once again.

Alright now...

I stretched my back and realised something was weird about my health bar in my left hand top corner.


Just to be sure, I tapped open my menu and opened my character tab:

HP: 2080/3040...wait what?

Feeling I probably need to get my eyes checked, I looked over the stats carefully one more time.

Holy shit...

"What's wrong Riga? We are all entering the boss gate now!" Sioux called out.

"Uhh..." I wasn't quite sure how to say this, so I decided to say it in the most crude way:

"My mana bar is missing."

Q: What would you do if you encountered a bug inside a game?

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