[154] Camp

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"Rima, the scouting party has returned. The premises is secured." Was the first thing Eziel said as he came walking through the flap of the tent.

"Good." Rima enticed her fingers together. "All according to planned..." she let out a dark giggle.

"The other division commanders have set up camp as well. Except..."

"Sly hand?" Rima cut Eziel off.

"En." Eziel nodded.

"It's fine. He had some emergency situation to deal with in real life." Rima waved her hand dismissively.

"Are the Baummäher ready to be deployed?" Rima asked again.

"Le Bifetck said the war machines are fully operational, but will need some minor adjustments for the upcoming terrain."

"How much time will that precisely cost?"

"He said he will get the work done overnight."

"Hmm..." Rima lowered her head. "What about the status of the rest of the army?"

"Isa, Nemsis, Magik gangstaz, Dragon Borne, and we have already established camp just behind the Emerald forest. The 9gag legion, the 4 Chan corps, Reddit army and Chaos has also set up camps across the great plains."

"What is the progress of the tunnel project on the great plains?" Rima looked up again to Eziel.

"Nearly completed as your proposed. The trench will be ready by tonight was what I was told by one of the Chaos executives."

"Let me guess. Lord Ivan."

"En." Eziel nodded slightly.

"Go back and tell him the Baummäher will be ready by tonight as well. And send him and his leaders my condolences for keeping in charge of the rabble sellsword army he has to command."

"En." Eziel nodded one last time, before leaving the tent.

"Can't trust a magic orb for communication in case of spies in this current time." Rima said as she got up from her chair.

"I see." I said, as I crossed my leg in the chair.

"It's only been a week since that meeting in the hotel." Rima said, as she began to pace around the tent. "Time sure flies."

"It does." I nodded in agreement.

"Tomorrow, the greatest battle yet to happen in Unlimited Dreams history is about to unfold."

I nodded simply in acknowledgement.

"I can't wait for tomorrow..." Rima lowered her head for a moment, before going full anime villain laugh. "THAT WE SHALL TOPPLE THE EMPIRE AND ESTABLISH OUR NAMES IN THIS WORLD FROM NOW TO THOUSANDS OF YEARS TO COME! MUWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Q: Are you interested in WW1 or WW2 history?

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