[76] Compromise

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There are a lot of things we compromise for in our lives.

But buying your AI a venti size green tea Frappuccino for her to cooperate in a virtual game was not one of them...till now.

"I can't believe you actually just said that! Baka masta!" Enju crossed her arms and puffed her face.

"Just give me a break already! Like seriously! I did not suggest that now..." I drifted my eyes away to the window.

"You want me, a delicate, cute, lady AI to do such a thing?" Enju accused further, as couple heads in the coffee shop turned towards us. Saving the embracement, I buried my head even further into my arms.

"Yes! No!...I mean...AGRHHH!" I scratched my head frantically. "I mean, I am just repeating Rima's word, there's not much I can do..."

"Of course there is more you can do!" Enju placed both hands on her hips, as her Barbie figure sized holograph leaned forward towards my face.

"Like what?"

Enju's face remained stern, but no words escaped from her lips. And after about a good 10seconds of silence, which felt like forever now. Enju let out a sigh and turned her figure model away.

"Forget I said anything."

"Wait, why?"

"Do you really want me to say it?" Enju looked back at me with one side of her face.

I paused and thought deeply for about 0.1 seconds before replying:


"Alright." Enju turned back and faced me fully: "Let's see...18 years old, B average university student, no job, still live off his parent's money..."

Well, true...

"Unhealthy diet, doesn't work out, messed up sleep schedule..."

Alright, fair enough, fair enough...

"Plays video games all day, avoids social meet ups, hard stuck otaku, no GF..."


"And when it's just the two of us, you would force me to put on cat ears and make me call you 'masta'!"

"WTF! That is not true now!" I shot up from my chair, then slowly looked around.

Everyone in the café looked at me as if I stage 4 weeb beyond hospitalization.

Great. Now I am a failure in life and everyone thinks I am some weird Asian dude who makes his AI dress up in cat ears and call him master...

I dug my head deeper into my arms.

What am I doing with my life?

"Master?" Enju's voice came again, soft this time.

"Yes?" I lifted up my head hollowly.

"If master really wants me to do it...I can consider about it..." Enju's voice trailed off in the end.

My lips twitched.

"That's good I mean, but like I mean...Are you really sure about this?" I stuttered.

"Ugh...What do I say about you master?" Enju shook her head. "After all you are my master, a baka one though."

My lips thinned even further.

"But, this baka master has his cute places as well." Enju smiled plainly. "Though I still feel like I must have done something really bad in my previous life to deserve this, so in turn I will do this to make it even." Enju finished off with a mischievous smile.

Ha...Since when did Enju get this good with words?


"Oh, oh yeah..." I snapped back from thought. "But still, you are heading into the heart of the enemy as a spy, and if they find out, no like what happens if you're true identity gets revealed?..."

"Master..." Enju sighed and shook her head. "You're worrying way too much! I can take care of myself better than you do, so don't worry!" Enju slapped her chest.

"Fine, fine. I will tell Rima that you agreed with the plan then."

"En." Enju nodded.

Oh boy, I have a bad feeling about this whole thing already...

Q: How would you spy on your enemy IRL?

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