[180] Afterwards...

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Afterwards there was a lot of questioning from the police. But long story short, Via said the whole thing was merely an 'accident' and me and Constance kind of just played along with her 'story' from there. And in the end the 3 of us were given a talk by the police and sent home much later that night. Later on Constance apologized to Via, and despite how serious of a crime she just committed, Via just kind of shrugged it off, which I do kind of admire. Other than that, me and Constance began officially a couple. And when I told the rest of the guild the news, none of them seemed rather too surprised, just some words and nods of approval here and there.

And within the game [Unlimited Dreams] itself, Legionnaire lost its allies [White Fang] in the north to the Soviet republic II with the help Chaos lead by [King of War]. In the west in the new world (a different continent), Legionnaire lost its colonies there to Chaos once again, led by [King of Conquest] this time. To the south, Legionnaire lost its Colonies to Chaos, led by [King of Famine]. Anyways, the Fk boi king abdicated the throne in the end, and about a week after his abdication, a new successor has taken over his place, Ila Valentine. Also making her the first person to ever achieve the title of [Queen] in [Unlimited Dreams]. And since then Rima has been driving the guild harder than ever, and no one seemed to protest (not that anyone dares to).

But anyways its summer break now, and since I am didn't take any summer courses, I decided to look for a job. And speaking of job, a few days ago, the leader of Chaos, [King of Death] has messaged me in private for a job invitation in real life. A job as a personal assitant? Though I mean it seems pretty sketchy and unreliable, but nevertheless I was tempted. And here I am finding myself standing at the foot 'Tiantan towers', the supposed meeting location for my new job interview...

I stepped inside the building.

"Hey how may I help you?" asked the desk clerk.

"Um...I am here for the job interview. A man named June appointed to see me."

"What is your name sir?" she asked.

"Raymond Dong." I replied.

"Hmm..." she clicked on something on her computer for a moment, then got up.

"Follow me right this way." She said, as she led me to the elevator and once the elevator arrives and opens, she pressed the top floor button and tapped her card.

For the next 1 minute it was just silence, and by the time we arrived there was a ding sound. The door opened, revealing a fancy hallway, with a pair of carved wooden doors at the end. We then walked up to the door, and she tapped the car reader once, and with a small push of her hand, the door opened.

"Good luck at your interview." She smiled and gestured me to go in.

"Thanks." I managed a small smile then stepped in, with the door behind me closing with a small click.

Inside was a paradise of comfort, a little bar at the side, designer sofas, miniature garden, and a glass panel that gave view to the rest of the city.

"Welcome Raymond. I been expecting you." the man said as he sat in his arm chair Morpheus style, who seriously looked like could just be a slightly older version of me in the late 20s, dressed in all black designer clothes.

"Um, who are you?"

"Call me death." He said with a chilling tone. And when he realised I wasn't laughing, he let out a sneer and got up and offered a hand shake:

"Call me Ying. Here, let me introduce you to everyone else here." He gestured to the rest of the people inside the room.

"Conquest, Ling." He gestured to one man, another slightly older version of me, except more rugged.

"War, Sol." He gestured to another, he looked slightly older than me, but there was just this undeniable look of madness in his eyes that I just couldn't quite place my finger on.

"Famine, June. Also owner of this building." He gestured to another, he appeared to be in late 30s, and wore a very expensive suit for that matter.

"Huh I didn't know the new guy had a robotic limb just like me." Came the voice of another figure, and a moment later he stepped into view.

He was nearly identical looks and identical age to me as well. 

"Um, how did you know that I had a robotic arm?"

"Ah. My AI, Rin here has meet you before." he extended his left hand rolled up his sleeve. It was indeed robotic.

"HAI!" A blue holographic figure popped up from his arm. "Enju's master!"

"Rin?" I looked to her, then back to the man again.

"You are her master?" I asked him.


"I feel for you man." I said.

"Pain in the ass as well?" he asked.



We both nodded.

"How about you two just go ahead and kiss already?" Rin spoke up.

"How about no?" he said, then tapped something on his arm, and an instant later, Rin's hologram disappeared.

"Alright, allow me to make a proper introduction again." He cleared his throat, and held forth his right hand, which was flesh.

"I am Raymond Dong." I shook his hand.

"I know that already." He shook back. "I am Kardusenn Romello, you can just call me Kard."

Q: Did you see that ending coming? ; )

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