[78] Oh my oh my...

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Oh my sweet sweet angel Enju-chan...

Gabriel sighed in his head, as he slowly carried himself to the throne room.

"世界顶级玩家..." Wang Tao rubbed his forehead tiredly. "妈的,仗没赢,练城堡都丢了,你他妈在逗我!?" Wang Tao anger echoed throughout the entire chamber.

"Lord Gabriel, we have heard of your results at fort bizenburg." Ila said sternly. "However from what we saw from the surveillance magic, your loss appears to stem from...personal reasons."

"Please my king! I didn't expect the enemy to resort to...to such...such sinister acts!"

"That you seemed to enjoy." Ila added. "There are no excuses for your result, nor excuse for your punishment. However we have greater subjects to deal with on hand right now."

Gabriel continued to keep his head low.

"One week from now, we shall be mobilizing our force from fort diamond, pearl, sapphire, ruby and emerald. And regroup them at Elgin." Ila went on. "Then we will build and purchase ships and travel upstream north to retake fort Bizenburg and fort crosspoint."

Gabriel kept silent.

"And I want you lord Gabriel to be at the head of command. If things goes well, considered yourself redeemed. If not...Consider your punishment be paid in seven fold." Ila's voice came down like an anvil.

"Understood my lady!" Gabriel yelled in reply, as his armour trembled a little.

"Good. You are dismissed now. And please don't let your king bare shame again." Ila said with a poker face.

"Thank you my lady, thank you my king." Gabriel said hurriedly, as just as he got up half way, another voice in the room called out:

"少主!少主!" the king's butler came hurriedly to the king.

"怎么了老王?那么猴急?..." Wang Tao raised a curious brow, a the rest of the conversation was in Chinese.

"That girl from...previously..." the butler said between breaths.

"What about her?" Wang Tao leaned closer.

"She...She..." the butler breathed in rapidly.

"Just say it! What about her?"

"She's at the front gate." The butler let out a heavy breath." Should I let her in?"

Q: Would you fall for a honey trap? (Could be any fictional character)

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