[173] Aftermath...(1 week later)

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Sunny sky, green hills, ruined fortress, as the entire guild of REEPS gathered and stood on top of the remains of what they once called home.

"A long of things have happened, since the battle of Ayre." Rima looked to everyone of us. "And first congratulate all of you for fighting in the greatest battle ever so far in the history of Unlimited dreams."

We all looked at one another, no one seemingly know what to say.

"This is part you are suppose to clap." Rima sighed and slapped her forehead.

We all turned to each other and gave one another a half hearted clap.

"Ahem." Rima cleared her throat and all the clapping stopped at once. "Since the end of the battle, Chaos has claimed and occupied the capital. As expected Chaos has holds no value to a ruined city and agreed to give it back to Legionnaire under a handsome ransom fee in a one sided peace treaty deal. Of course part of that handsome ransom went toward us for our work and effort, although I still say Chaos ripped us off on that deal, but with the money they given us, it will be enough to rebuild the whole place 10 times grander then before!"

"Oh oh! Does that mean we get a swimming pool!" Sioux suggested eagerly.

"Disco room?" Eriotl said.

"Library." Piphra said quietly.

"Let's not go to far. Lebifteck is on the job for rebuilding. As for today, you may all sit back and relax and enjoy this little game I prepared for you all." Rima clasped her fingers together with a devil's grin across her face.

I got this bad feeling already...

"What will the game be?" Alice asked with a poker face.

"Simple. Capture the flag." Rima answered and we all turn our attention back to her again.

"It will be a 10 vs 10 capture the flag in the back forest. It's a free for all and all the members participating must be above Lv 500."

"Uh...I don't think we have enough people..." Celeste raised her hand.

"There're here." Rima said, as several new figures emerged into the hill.

"King of harem, and protector of lolis, lord Maximus at your service." He bowed.

"Greetings mortals." Magicalnes said.

"Yo I am just here to fill the numbers." Someone helpful said.

Two more new faces emerged.

"Call me Zane." Said the first guy, he appeared to be in his teen, tall, lean, crazy yellow hair with a bandana holding all that power together. Blue eyes, black muscle shirt, and grey workout pants and boots.

Behind her was a girl who appeared to be about 14, curly red brown hair, blue eyes, neko ears and tails that I first thought was fake until I saw them twitch. She wore a green dress and leather boots

"I'm Kasa nice to meet you all meow!" She did a cute cat scratch pose, and nearby Maximus had an expression that could easily get him into jail.

"Ok let me quickly explain the rules. Your objective is to capture the flag on the enemy side through whatever means. The river in the centre is the dividing line and if you see a magic barrier at the edge of the forest do not attempt to step out of bounds, for you will be blown to bits by the mines I planted out there for this specific purpose."


"Everyone clear on the rules?"

There was a general consensus of fear and nods.

"Good. Riga and I will be team captains, the rest of the members will be determined by lots. And a special rule for guild leader is no using legendary item active." Rima took out a box and began to draw names.

"Via!" Rima read from the paper. "My team."

"Constanze!" Rima read as she drew a new paper. "Riga's team."

Basically at the end of that, the two teams stood split apart, with one on one side and the other on the other side.

My team: Constance, Eziel, Piphra, Magicalnes, Eritol, Celeste, Sull1van , someone helpful, Kasa

Rima's team: Via, Ansel, Alice, Zane, Sioux, Meatball, Zera, Megumi, Maximus

"You may not remove the flag from where it is by your own teammate, and you may only move it back to the circle. Now we will each go our sides, and the moment you hear the cannon shot will be when the games officially began, but until then we each stay on our own sides, and for those who break the rules..." there was a hungry look on Rima, which just made whatever consequences 10 times worse inside their head.

"Good luck, my opponent." Rima saluted to me, and I found myself saluting back for some reason. That's when our teams parted ways.

Q: Place your bets!  Team Riga or Team Rima?

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