(6) The Heckler

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Sweat glistened on the naked female as Leo extracted the object of his hired vagina's desire. He commented on how this simple inclined table that his model had just demonstrated could be extremely humiliating and degrading for whomever was properly affixed to it, either by itself, or with other toys. He was about to re-affix the clamps to his model's labia and re-open its vagina when someone in the back started heckling.

"Nonsense! What a pile of hot stinking crap! That cunt doesn't look like it's the least bit humiliated or degraded!" An attractive and well-dressed woman, located towards the rear of the assembly, stood. "In fact, I'll bet it enjoyed everything that's happened to it while it was 'properly affixed' to your supposedly humiliating table!"

"Madam, you don't think it's humiliating to literally beg strangers to masturbate you to orgasm, and then fuck yourself for their entertainment?"

"When I humiliate and degrade people in public, they are not happy afterward, like your hired vagina over there is."

"That may be so, but I'd like to be able to hire my model more than once and if what we do, while humiliating to a degree, is too extreme, all my models would quit. I'd have to hire someone else, and I'd rather not risk exhausting the available pool of models around here, if you don't mind." Leo addressed the rest of the assembly, "Naturally there are myriad possibilities and one has to use one's imagination a bit..." Leo explained. "I can't demonstrate every possible use of an item like this."

"That sounds to me like your problem. We all paid good money to see your gear in use and you are telling us now that you took our money under false pretense?" the woman countered.

Leo sensed that the crowd was turning against him. "Look, I've got a lot of stuff to show you folks and a limited amount of time to do it."

"I don't care. You made a claim and either you back it up or I'm going to expose these 'parties' as bogus. I want to see that cunt so degraded that it'll puke whenever it sees its reflection the mirror!"

Leo looked at the audience, then back to the heckler. He wished that there were fewer assholes in the world, but he knew how to deal with them in spades. And if this one took the bait this weekend's show would be better than usual. "OK. I'll demonstrate how humiliating and degrading this simple contraption can be... right now..."

"Damn straight!" the woman exclaimed.

"Come on up here!" He waved her up onto the stage.


"Come on up here so we can demonstrate – and you can experience first-hand – this inclined platform."

The woman gave Leo an eviler look than before. "No way. You're not strapping ME on that thing!"

"What's the matter – too humiliating and degrading for you?"

"No. It's the principle – I'm not a sub."

"Neither is my model!" Leo countered.

A voice in the crowd: "Hey lady – put up or shut up!" Others chimed in.

Leo: "Tell you what – strip yourself naked and I'll strap you on here for an hour while I demo some of the other stuff, and afterward you can tell everyone what a lame ride it is, OK?"

"One hour? Ha! You're on!"

Leo smiled a knowing smile – Idiot! – and started unfastening his model.

Leo helped his unsteady model over to a wooden frame. It was rectangular, conveniently neck-height; half-circles were cut into the crossbar on top and there were two shelves, one attached to each side, just below the hips. The top formed a stock and the model's neck and wrists just fit in the semicircles. The crowd's attention was divided between Leo sliding the other half of the crossbar in place and the defiant heckler, sitting on the now infamous inclined table. As he spun the wing-nuts securing his model's neck and wrists in place Leo noticed the other woman was still clothed.

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