(18) Ginnie

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At the end of the evening the model left the stage and headed for Leo's office, pausing only to acknowledge the people who were applauding her. She did the customary bow, and ended it by blowing everyone kisses. Daphne liked her style and excused herself from the table.

Entering Leo's office she heard the shower running in the adjoining bathroom and sat on the floor, leaning her back against the jamb of the slightly ajar door.

"Hello!" she called out musically, loudly enough to be heard over the background noise of the spray.

A concerned voice echoed: "Terri?"

Daphne responded in the old code, hoping to identify herself as 'one of the girls': "Sorry, no. My name is not Tamara. All my friends around here call me Tammy. What about you?"

Concerned, but somewhat relieved: "I'm not Virginia. Ginnie for short. I haven't heard of any Tammys working around here lately..."

"I was a fixture around here about a half decade ago. I guess I'm semi-retired now. I drop by every so often, just to see how things are, and ... I dunno ... every time I drop by Leo asks me to get naked and before I know it I'm tied up out there with a dildo in me. You know how it is."

Laughing emanated from the shower: "Boy, do I!"

There was a long pause. "Did you say 'Tamara?'"


"From, like, five years ago?"

"Yeah, give or take."

"Could you get Terri for me please? I need to ask her something."

"Sure! Hold on..."

Terri arrived with a plate of tortilla rolls just as Daphne opened the door. "What are you doing in here? You know it's against the rules!" Daphne directed Terri to Virginia and sat on the sofa in the main office. She heard an animated discussion but couldn't make out any of the details. Finally a naked woman appeared, still dripping wet. "YOU'RE TAMMY?" She was upon Daphne before she could react and gave her a wet bear hug.

"Terri, what's going on?"

"I've got a friend that I hardly get to see anymore and I miss her. I talk about my friend from time to time and, well, you've become something of a legend among the new girls."

Daphne unwrapped herself. She put her hands on Ginnie's bare shoulders and held the naked woman close. Their chests were almost touching. They both looked directly into each others' eyes. "My real name is Daphne. I'd like you to help me if you're up to it."

"Oh, God! Whatever you want, I'm there!"

"Don't agree too fast. I'm here with a couple of civilians, a potential future employer and his wife. There are vicious rumors circulating about me that I think might be based a little on my time here."

"Someone talked?!?" The terror painted on her face was unmistakable.

"I don't think so; the rumors are so vague, it's as if someone knew I was doing something, but not exactly what, exaggerated a few shreds of other exaggerated shreds, and manufactured the rest. Anyway, I brought these folks here so they could see the whole truth for themselves and they're definitely sympathetic. OK so far?"

The girl nodded.

"I'd like you to talk with them, face-to-face. If you go through with this they'll know that it was you they masturbated on stage tonight and they will see your face. But they'll only know you as Virginia unless you tell them otherwise."

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