(10) Rescuing Abby

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Over time some clients began to recognize a particular physique whenever they saw (the still anonymous) Daphne on stage and began to specifically ask Leo to give them a 'heads-up' whenever 'that girl' was going to be back – especially as the 'product demonstrations' got progressively more exotic and extreme. Attendance rose and Leo started paying her a share of the gate and a commission on sales – on top of her base wage.

To Leo, Daphne was worth her weight in gold.

Terri acted as best friend, confidant, and advocate. The advocacy became increasingly important as Daphne accepted ever more extreme 'product demonstrations.' Terri even took a couple of too-terrified-to-reveal-their-true-identity vaginas under her wing and eased their way. She gave them pseudo-names and they were stupefied when she recognized the masked vaginas and called them by name. Terri never forgot a face.

When Daphne wasn't working she was often at Terri's table. One night the show opened and a girl who was clearly new was bound to the inclined table. Daphne and Terri both saw how terrified she was. Daphne turned to Terri. "You won't be able to do anything for her... Repeat after me: Tamara."


"Good. Remember that." Daphne got up.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going up there. Wait here until I give you a sign. Please."

Two minutes later Leo was surprised to see a second masked vagina on stage walking towards the pad in the corner. After the initial dildo set, Leo brought out the automated dildoes and started one up. The scared new girl seemed distracted and Leo stepped back to the mat.

"What the Hell's going on?"

"It's me, Daphne."

"I know."

"Don't worry – this is a freebie." She paused. "Look at her – you've got to know that your main attraction is about to self-destruct."

"I know. I'm just hoping she'll last until the first break. Between you and me, I'm glad you're here!"

"Look, I'm just up here to try to calm her down. I'll share the stage with her 'till she melts-down or bed-time, whichever happens first. Just make sure she can see me."

Leo rotated the wooden frame so the new girl could get a better view of her sister-in-humiliating-exposure, strapped Daphne in it, and set her up with the 'almost cum' cyber-dildo. After half an hour, Leo let Daphne loose, then the other girl. Both were shaking uncontrollably as they made their way to the pad, although for vastly different reasons.

Daphne laid down, flat on her back, legs spread, and waited for the tingling in her crotch to subside. The terrified girl sat next to her.

"Did Leo give you the speech about not telling anyone that you do this?" Daphne asked.

Girl, in tears: "Yes"

"That means we can't know each others real names. Got that? OK. Now give me a name – any name – that is not your real name."

"Huh? Umm... I dunno... Abigail?"

"Abigail, huh? So it's true to say that you are not Abigail?"


Daphne held out her hand. "OK, Nice to meet you not Abby. I'm not Tamara, but my friends call me Tammy" and they shook hands.

Daphne started to feel better and sat up, her legs still spread apart. She could feel Abby staring in disbelief at her companion who so easily and immodestly exposed every inch of her bald femininity.

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