(38) Epilog

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Within a year Daphne was on the Board of Directors and it didn't take long for her fellow Board members to appreciate her ability to anticipate and plan for looming problems. Beyond her organizational skills, she had an unparalleled reputation for being absolutely, bluntly honest – and for demanding that others 'give it to her right between the eyes' as well; even her detractors admired her for this and began to emulate her. She always accepted the responsibility for her (or her Staff's) rare missteps and never shifted the blame to anyone else. On those occasions when she had to eat crow, her first words afterward were always "OK, How do we fix this?"

Within five years Sam retired. Daphne took over as CEO and was invited to most of the Boards of Directors that he had been on.

Within ten years, two-thirds of the executive staff were women, and a quarter of those wore pins that looked like little silver crosses with diamonds in the center. Some speculated that it was some sort of cult religion (they did wear crosses and barely socialized with others), or a sorority, or... ? These women always seemed to get the prime spots whenever there were openings...

Roberta got onto the Board next, then Hannah.

Other companies continually tried to raid Daphne's employees, but only ever seemed to get the ones that had been passed over for promotion in favor of their former secretaries. Former secretaries who now wore little crosses...

Daphne used her seats on the various Boards to move 'her girls' into influential positions in these other companies.

The scope of her company's "training program" quickly put an impossible strain on Leo's business, so he opened a second warehouse on the edge of the town where Daphne's company was. Mike and Jerome eventually bought Leo out and he hung around long enough to show them the ropes (all puns intended) before retiring to Costa Rica. He said he wanted to be around beautiful women, adding that Latinas are not only gorgeous, but have built-in tans, and big, black pools of eyes that you can lose your soul in...

He died a few years later, a Romantic in Heaven.

Nobody ever learned the names of all his girls.

Mike and Jerome ran the business successfully and it has expanded (notably into every town with a company where Daphne or her 'sisters' sit on Boards of Directors), retaining the name: "Leo's Import/Export."

Daphne did not accept Mike's marriage proposal immediately – she wanted to with her whole heart, but her logical brain took over. She accepted the engagement ring provisionally, adding that she wanted to get to know him a bit better before making a final commitment. She joked openly that this was her opportunity to torture him for once. Those unfamiliar with the details of how they met took it as good humor. He took it well and only had to endure living in limbo for a couple months.

Today she wears his ring, and he, hers.

The couple have two children, a boy and a girl, Jules and Anna.

Both were conceived at Leo's. Daphne, tied to the inclined table naked, blindfolded, and gagged, could do nothing but listen to Leo's clients jeering her. Then she felt someone caress one of her breasts, then knead it and squeeze its nipple. Daphne was electrified. It was a gross violation of Leo's rules against direct skin-to-skin touching between a client and a model. Blindfolded, she waited for the offender to be yanked away by the bouncer, but instead more hands started massaging her breasts, playing with her clitoris, and fingering her sex. It felt like four or six hands at the same time – maybe more – and they seemed to be everywhere. It was all wrong, but it turned her on...

And then the grossest violation of the rules occurred: she froze in horror as a warm penis slid into her. It was unthinkable! She strained mightily against her bonds like never before, but was powerless to evade the invader, and, gagged, unable to protest. It started pumping in and out, and faster and faster. Daphne knew that dozens of people were standing around, gleefully watching her rape.

She was living her deepest, darkest fantasy for real.

The attendees kept the defenseless female receptive in between semen deposits. Then, without warning, they would stop, and she would wait, left alone in her solitary darkness. Seconds ticked like hours as she anticipated the inevitable penis gently touch her entrance, then slide effortlessly in. It would erupt in joy and leave its sticky hot ejaculate within her, having used her for its selfish pleasure without the slightest care or concern for the consequences of sex that only women bear.

Mike had arranged this, of course. He knew all about his wife's most intense fantasy, they both wanted children, and he couldn't think of a better, more exciting way to accomplish both ends at once. The crowd consisted of a few of Leo's regular clients, several of Leo's girls, and Mr. and Mrs. Flynn, who had invited a very few hand-picked, trusted co-workers (including, of course, Roberta and Hannah). This was a special event, so the only attendees were there by invitation. Leo's regular rules were suspended and Mike shared the body of his 'sperm bank' with everyone in attendance. All were allowed to touch Daphne's body however they wished, although only Mike was allowed to 'make deposits.' Everyone knew in advance exactly what was going on – except Daphne.

The surprise was total. During the third fucking Mike leaned close and whispered to her what was happening: that he was granting her fantasy of getting raped in public, and that she was getting fucked for real so they could have a baby. She was furious and delighted (and relieved) at the same time. The corners of her mouth curled upward. He popped off the gag and they kissed until he finished pumping his seed into her. She thanked him.

Over the fifty hour weekend Daphne felt a bare penis ejaculate inside her about a dozen times. She was sure it was Mike... but she couldn't know for certain... She didn't even count the pricks wrapped in condoms.

Daphne was told during her first break that she could mingle with the audience if she wanted to, and she did. She was unnerved at first when she recognized her co-workers, but Sam and Nancy assured her that it was OK, that nobody was going to say anything. She joined her co-workers and at first they seemed less comfortable with her nudity than she was with their presence. After a while they got comfortable and expressed their anticipation to celebrate her pregnancy, although one man admitted that he hoped she wouldn't get pregnant right away, adding that he enjoyed 'watching her try' and hoped to witness 'more attempts.' All had outspoken admiration and appreciation of her figure and the men were plainly jealous that she was happily married – and fiercely loyal – to Mike.

Offers for back rubs and shoulder massages were always graciously accepted and she responded to requests to "get a good look at you" by standing and spinning around once or twice; since it was far too late to be concerned with modesty, she decided to have a little fun flaunting her charms.

Over the weekend she also conducted several 'one-on-one' 'hands-on' "How to..." tutorials. After the weekend she received several "Thank You" emails from co-workers who had performed Daphne's techniques on their appreciative partners – techniques that they had practiced on her until, to her delight, they'd gotten them just right.

The subsequent pregnancy test came up negative, so Mike took her back to Leo's for another session a few weeks later, and then again a few weeks after that. Their first child, Jules, was conceived on the third session. Their second, Anna, a little over year later, happened on the second try.

Mike played rough with Jules and Anna. By their teens both were adept in multiple martial-arts disciplines and could score high marks at the pistol and rifle ranges. He made sure they could defend themselves at least long enough for him to arrive and finish the job...

Daphne secretly taught her daughter pain management meditation techniques...

Daphne continues to do an occasional show – Tammy can't resist when Cecil asks her to get naked – but time has caught up with her. In her late 40s she still has a fantastic body and enjoys the shows as much as ever, but the Monday morning aches from her prime now commonly trespass into Tuesdays – and, increasingly, on to Wednesdays as well. She's at Leo's #2 most weekends, counseling the girls and, when necessary, arranging which veterans will be on hand to assist the virgins. She and Terri see each other about once a month. They still laugh easily together.

Cecil has yet to get his Bunny to beg for mercy at the business end of his lash.

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