(25) Bob, later the same day

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Daphne was straightening her desk and was about to leave for the day when Bob peeked his head into her office. "Can we talk?"

Daphne scanned her desk. There was nothing there that couldn't wait until tomorrow anyway. She waved him in. "Sure – what's up?"

He hobbled up to her desk with his crutches and sat, the fingers of both hands woven together, looking downward, embarrassed.

He summoned the courage to look Daphne in the eye, and said "I'd like to see you sometime..." He gulped. His courage faded and he looked back down. "at Leo's..." he gasped.

Daphne knew what he wanted, but decided to play with him for a moment. She grinned broadly and looked at him with bright, wide open eyes. "Sure! I go there all the time to enjoy an evening masturbating naked women until they're comatose and making them explode in my hands. You can tag along anytime!"

Bob shook his head.

"Oh, you want to see me naked... You want to make me cum ... is that it?"

He nodded but looked even more guilty than before.

She gasped, pretending to be surprised. "You want to watch me get tortured?" She knew all along that this was what he really wanted. Oh, sure, he wanted to masturbate her silly, but that was just the appetizer. The whipping was the main course. She didn't completely understand it, but she'd seen over the years a strange fascination many men had with watching women get hurt. It was as if: since they couldn't fuck her after the foreplay, at least they could hurt her.

Bob gulped. This was easier when this scenario played through his mind earlier.

"That display of yours earlier... getting whipped..."

"Let me guess. You don't really believe it, do you?" Daphne looked a bit annoyed.

Despite this, Bob felt his nerve returning. "You've got to admit that it sounds crazy..."

"OK, I'll grant you that, so what do you propose?"

"I want to tell me when you're going to Leo's next and let me go with you. Then, if anyone doubts you, I can be an independent witness of everything that happens."

Daphne thought about what Bob was proposing, and the idea had merit, but it had too many downsides. "Sorry, Bob. No can do. But I have a counter proposal:

Daphne smiled and leaned toward the man. "Look, first, it's no secret that I go to Leo's several times a year. Second, it's a semi-public place and I can't stop you from going there, so if you go there often enough, eventually you'll see me. But I'm not going to tell you in advance when to expect me there."

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