(31) Monday morning

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Bob was waiting for Daphne when she arrived on Monday morning and was not surprised to see that she was moving with obvious discomfort.

"Enjoy your weekend?" he asked.

She smiled meekly and motioned him into her office.

He smiled back and entered.

"I saw you there," Daphne started. "But I was busy entertaining friends, you understand."

"Yes, I saw your friends. And I noticed how every time one would leave, a new naked girl would show up on the stage. And then a girl would leave the stage and after a while another girl joined you at your table. I started to look for details, like fingernail polish, and sure enough, from your table, to the stage, and back...

"But one was on the stage the whole time. Who was she?"

She glared back at him, as if to say 'are you a total idiot?'

"She was someone who had heard about Leo's and wanted to experience it for herself. Anonymously! It was her first time, and that's always the worst. We make sure girls have company their first time."

"Including yourself. I saw you excuse yourself from your guests. And a few minutes later, right on cue, a damned fine looking woman with a great tan appeared on the stage."

Bob paused and looked her up and down. "Most of the time when we men say stuff like this we're just guessing, but Daphne, you really are a damned fine looking woman!"

"Oh, and I saw what those two men did to you. I couldn't believe it. Are you OK?"

"Yes... Thanks for asking..."


Daphne winced as her raw crotch met the seat. "I've experienced worse <grunting> I'm OK."

It was clear that she wasn't really OK. Bob was sure that he wouldn't be able to put up such a brave front if anyone ever did to him what he saw happen to her.

"Why do they call you 'Tammy'?"

"That's my 'not name,' my nom-de-guerre if you will. Out here I'm Daphne; in there I'm 'not Tamara.' We all end up knowing each others' real names, of course, but for a sense of anonymity, and to separate our two lives..."

Daphne took a deep breath. Her smile disappeared as she looked him coldly in the eye.

"Don't ever call me Tamara! She doesn't exist outside of Leo's."

Considering that everyone already knew about Daphne's 'hobby,' the request to keep 'Tamara' a secret seemed odd, but it was OK with him. He nodded and got up. He walked to the door, paused, and turned to face Daphne.

"Please relay a token of my respect to Tammy..." he said and started clapping.

Daphne smiled, and gave him a salute. "I'll pass it along."

Bob nodded again to himself, opened the door and left the toughest, most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen, either in the flesh or in a magazine gate-fold with a staple in her navel. He walked back to his office with a smile on his face; he vowed to ask her out.

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