(8) Debriefing

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The doorbell rang. Daphne peeked out her 2nd-floor window and saw the FedEx van below. She ran downstairs and greeted the delivery lady who smiled and wished Daphne a good day. Daphne returned the compliment as she scrawled her acceptance of the envelope. The van drove off, revealing Leo, leaning against his green Jag with his arms and legs comfortably crossed, smiling. She echoed back a wry smile and sauntered over to the weathered picket fence, holding the envelope in one hand and tapping it on the fingers of her other. He met her at the gate.

"I figured you'd intercept that personally," he said.

She looked at it, tapped it on her fingers again, then back up at Leo. "Yeah."

"Since you've skipped gym class and the rest of your morning is free, how'd you like to hit that cafe again?"

Daphne was astonished. "How do you know my schedule?"

"It's my business to know."

"To know what, exactly?"

"Everything that affects my business. Like how that two grand I gave you Friday night is mostly gone. Good move, by the way, using most of it to pay down your student debts. You're keeping the other $500 for emergencies, I suppose?"

She took a deep breath. It was scary what he knew about her.

He took a couple of steps back to his car and waved for her to follow. "Let's go!"

She joined him in the open cockpit of his XKE.


"I wanted to give you a couple days to think about your weekend and to give me your impressions, so..." Leo took a breath. "How are you?"

A triple mocha materialized in front of Daphne.


"Good, and did you enjoy yourself?"

"The first part or the second part?"

"Both, but you could start with the first part if you want."

"I was so scared. I wanted to crawl out of my skin. I've never been naked in front of people before and there were so many! They were all looking at me." Daphne sipped some more of her drink. "I could feel them looking into me. And then they came up and saw me naked up close and touched my privates and I couldn't move and they touched me more...." Another gulp. "And then the craziest thing happened – a warm wave hit me and I wanted them to touch me more and to give me pleasure. I wanted to be naked and for them to reach into my soul and rip it out and make me explode! I could feel them and they were so close and they made me want it more and more...." Another gulp. Daphne closed her eyes and quivered. Opening them, she said, "Leo, I want to feel that again.

"And, Oh, God, that machine... I want to feel that again too! I want it to frustrate me forever and for everyone to watch and laugh at me when I beg and plead to cum. I want to be humiliated and when I am as low as I can get – when I give up and just turning me on makes me cry, knowing it'll end in more frustration – I want it to make me explode... to blow me apart and take my breath away."

Leo looked into Daphne's eyes. She didn't just want more; she hungered for it.

Daphne caught her breath and smiled to herself, then to Leo.

"And what was that applause all about when I left? That was weird."

"You haven't figured it out?"

Daphne shook her head as she sipped her drink.

Three basic types of people attend my exhibitions," he started. "First, you have the hard-core BDSM folks. They're there to evaluate my gear. If it's supposed to give pleasure, they want to see you in rapture, but if it's supposed to hurt, they want to see agony, and they won't stop until they do. Don't ever try to fake them out – they know it when they see it, and it only provokes them. They don't give a damn about you.

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