Author's notes

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Threads,characters, etc.

I feel that I need to write a bit about the characters/threads/thoughts of this tale.

These notes are not part of the story. Here I write of my thoughts regarding the characters, threads, plausibility of certain aspects of the tale, etc. All of this can safely be left unread if you want.

I've tried to maintain a consistent style, but this story was written over the course of about three years (on-and-off) and I've learned that it's not easy to maintain consistency over time, especially without an editor or someone to bounce it off of.


The central character is Daphne. She discovers by accident that she enjoys being bound and acted upon and, as the sex gets more and more wild, she enjoys it more and more. She's had kinky fantasies since puberty and delights in the opportunity to finally experience them. She feels no degradation, no shame simply because, although she willingly bares and subjugates herself, she does not actually freely decide to do any of the specific acts that Leo and his clients do to her after that (although she does come back for more, time and again). Plus the money's good; she finishes her Senior Year free of student loans and a sizable grub stake to launch her future life from.

Her double-life becomes the central problem of Part Two when rumors about her 'promiscuous' past surface and she is compelled to come out of her closet and refute them by revealing the truth of her life at Leo's. There are many more characters in Parts Two and Three, which made it more interesting to write, but with somewhat less 'action'.

I do not like to describe my characters in even broad strokes, preferring to leave that task to my readers who can imagine any physical attributes to any character that suits them. Well, most of the time, anyway. I understand that you can read the entirety of Leo Tolstoy's ("Considered by some to be the greatest novel ever written" – Amazon) and never encounter much more than a general description of the central character, so I suppose I'm in good company.

On a related note, I also do not like to describe in graphic detail every thing that happens to my characters. Again, I like to think I can paint my tale with broad strokes and allow you to fill in the blanks and make it at least a little your own story. I've always been a fan of Impressionist Art and think of my writing as less photographic and more impressionistic...

That said, I imagine Daphne as medium height with an athletic, but pleasingly curved build, like a surfer or a soccer player. Perhaps 5' 5", 34C-24-34. Medium-long blonde hair (worn as a pony-tail that reaches to between her shoulder blades) and blue eyes and a hint of color in her skin, as if there's some Mediterranean blood mixed with her Scandinavian genes. She tans easily and when she smiles her sparkling white teeth and brilliant eyes light up her whole face. When recruited she is probably carrying an extra 5~10Kg (11~22lbs) – just enough that she's self-conscious about it and doesn't feel attractive, but she isn't actually seriously overweight. She's a fit heart-breaker well before the end of Part One. She has a sharp mind, a quick wit, and a heart of gold. She was an absolute joy to write.

The marriage proposal at the end of Daphne's tale was happy, unexpected and surprising, even for me, even as I wrote it, even though the foundation had been laid for it. Funny how that happens sometimes...

I like the idea of Daphne's secret 'cult' of women stealthily taking over Industry, little by little, without anyone noticing...


Leo likes Daphne mostly because she is a fearless star who makes him buckets of cash. She 'demonstrates' stuff that none of his other models would touch. Considering the nature of his work he is not particularly exploitative and genuinely cares for 'his girls,' all of whom were recruited from a local university, and are therefore transient. By necessity he is constantly seeking new 'talent' to replace those who leave when they either graduate or transfer. It is a testament to Leo that although every one of his girls leave him sooner or later, none leave angry and all remain loyal. Or at least willingly not talkative. Nobody ever learns who all his models were; he takes that secret with him to his grave (although one character, a P.E. Coach, puts 2 and 2 together and figures some of it out, but he hires her after she decided to help the girls rather than expose them, so her lips are sealed too).

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