(14) Wendy's story

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I felt sorry for Daphne. I didn't mean to steal Sean from her, but it wasn't like they were married or anything. I figured she'd be OK in a week or so. College boys aren't serious anyway, especially a player like Sean. He's not a serious long-term prospect. Not worth getting worked-up over. She was better off without him, but being with him sure was fun while it lasted, even if he was just an easy prick...

Sean took me to a live sex show and I enjoyed the attention I got from him. The semi-public masturbation was really exciting, I guess I've got an exhibitionist streak in me, but the environment was disturbing. Friday night was hot, watching everyone make a girl cum. We even got to play with her, but we thought it'd be more fun to turn her on but not let her cum. Someone else lit her fuse and set her off. But Saturday evening we watched a parade of people hurt a defenseless naked woman. I mean, I imagined that if they were doing it to me it would be painful, but Sean assured me that it was all an act, and that made sense. I mean, who would do that? But when I swatted her... well... those pink welts sure looked real...

It was before the last set. The hooded naked woman on the pad was well tanned. Well toned. She looked damned good, just like the one from the night before. Maybe it was the same girl, who can tell? They both had boobs, a bald pussy, and a hood covering her whole head. Speaking of it, I wish I had her boobs; they were perfect and when mine don't hurt, my bra straps dig into my shoulders and that hurts. I know guys don't think there's any such thing as too big boobs, but they don't have a pair of Double-Ds hanging off their chests...

Anyway, she was on her belly with her arms and legs spread-eagle. One hand and both feet poured off the side and bottom edges of the pad. I watched the woman. She was beautiful. She didn't move except to breathe. She glistened and looked so serene, so peaceful. I even imagined joining her.

The woman jumped up suddenly, like a cat. Two big men entered through a side door on the far side of the platform. She intercepted them before they got halfway and there was some sort of encounter. I didn't catch it, but the people around me gasped, so I knew something was happening, even though I didn't understand exactly what it was. She stood between the two men and one of them started whipping her. She just stood there, naked, with her hands on her head, and took it. She didn't seem to react as if it was real. Then she confronted the other guy. He hadn't whipped her yet, and everyone heard her call him a coward; that he liked to abuse women, but only if they couldn't defend themselves. Everyone gasped. She would have had balls to say that to him even if she wasn't naked and he didn't have a wicked-looking whip in his hand. He said something to her and she put her hands back on her head, exposing herself to him.

Sean leaned over to me. "See? I told you it was all fake" he said.

After what happened next, it was difficult to believe that it wasn't real. I'd never heard screams like that. It would have been impossible to believe that this wasn't an act, except that she continued to stand there. I didn't want to imagine myself in that woman's place, fake act or no.

I don't know how to describe it, but she seemed to be looking directly at me, like what was happening to her was my fault somehow. I thought of Daphne and felt guilty for the first time. Shit! I fucked a friend! I looked at the woman just as another lash hit its target. She emitted another inhuman shriek. You kinda had to be there – it all added up and just couldn't be fake. I looked at Sean, and the expression on his face and the gleam in his eye left no doubt. He was genuinely enjoying watching that woman being horribly abused. I looked at her. It was real. Suddenly, I felt like vomiting. I excused myself to go to the Ladies, but I left in a cab instead and took a shower. I couldn't clean myself... To this day, I'm haunted by what I saw. I hope to God she's OK.

Sean transferred out – to a foreign school, I heard – and good riddance. Movers came and took all of Daphne's stuff at about the same time. I don't blame her for leaving. I'm not so sure I'd want to hang around either. I saw her a few weeks later between classes. She looked happy, like she'd moved on. I decided not to approach her – to apologize – I didn't want to open old wounds.

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