Ron x Carl

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Requested by p_aper_girl

Carl pov

I was so nervous to tell Ron that I was gay. We had been such good friends since I came here and telling him would probably ruin are friendship. I was walking to his house my hands shaking and walked onto their front porch. I didn't tell my dad I was gay nor, did I tell him where I was going.

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. It was Ron's mother, Jessie. She looked at me and smiled " hey Carl, Ron was just gonna tell me to go look for you ".

Ron was looking for me ? I thought and said " Is he here ". She smiled and nodded " yeah, he's upstairs, come on in ". She opened the door as I walked in and went straight upstairs. Jessie stuttered to ask why I was going upstairs, but I already walked up and went into the hall. I heard some punk rock music in one of the rooms and pounded on the door. I waited, the music stopped and the handle turned as the door widened. Ron surprised said " hey Carl, what's up " I said hi and walked in. He closed the door behind me and looked at me " you okay, man ".

He looked down and I looked down at my hands that were shaking a little. He stared at me " what happened " I stayed quiet and went to sit on his bed. " Ron, there is something I want to tell you about me ". He shrugged and crossed his arms " what is it " he said concerned. I looked at him and gulped lightly " don't laugh or anything, okay man ".

He chuckled and I gave him a look as he soon stopped " alright, spit it out ". I moved my leg up and down fast and gripped onto their sheets of the bed. " I'm gay " I said closing my eyes and faced the floor hoping he wouldn't explode with rage.

But, everthing was quiet. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Ron standing in shock from the news. He repeated " gay " he said his mouth open. I have a small weak smile " yeah, sorry I never told you I just thought you would want to know ". Ron still shocked closed his mouth.

" Wow, I uh- can I just say that this is funny because, " he started before I looked into his eyes. " I'm gay, too " he said chuckling nervously. I widened my eyes " is this joke " I said giving him a unsure look. He shook his head and started to walk forward " and we'll, I was going to ask you this but, will you be my boyfriend, Carl ". I froze as he stopped in front of me as he got on one knee and looked into my eyes. I smiled wide and leaned in to kiss his lips. We stayed until he moved his head and held my neck closer to him. He moved and started to kiss with tongue as I followed his motion.

We pulled apart saliva string breaking as we opened our eyes and smiled at each other. " I love you, Carl " he said. " Love you too, Ron ".


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