Chapter 2

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Heeello!!!! :)

I never thought that I would actually write a story on wattpad. XD

I really hope my story is interesting to you readers :D


I headed to the classroom normally like everyday and avoided gazes, normally that would be easy, but today was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Everyone was looking directly at me. WHAT MADE THEM KNOW THAT I EXIST NOW?! I was practically like air for the past few years already, why do they recognize me now?

I tried to avoid the uncomfortable attention I got, I really hate this right now. I took a random empty seat near the window, I always loved that seat for some reason. As soon as the teacher came in the classroom, everyone started to take their seats near their friends or somethin like that. Since I didn't have any friends, I would sit near girls that I didn't know.


I completely forgot that Ryder was in this class with me. He came in the room with two of his other friends. Ryder's slightly blonde hair was spiked up the front, making it look like a pro styled his hair. He wore a black leather jacket that covered his gray shirt. Tyler had blond hair that was swished to the side. He wore lazy clothing, some ripped jeans and a loose shirt that said YOLO. Kyle wore black jeans that perfectly matched with his red elbow sleeved shirt that hugged his body, enough to see his six pack.


These guys were like giving away a powerful vibe.

That means troubles for me, and that's my cue to not give any attention to them.

Ryder looked at me but I turned away his gaze. I looked away making a 'Nothing is happening' look. I placed my elbow on the desk and placed my palm on my cheek in boredom.

Apparently, luck hates me, and Ryder ended up sitting to the side of me. "STUDENTS, PLEASE SIT DOWN!" the teacher hollered. Ms. Wooddsmith always had that habit. I hate Math, but I have to deal with it. Ryder turned and I noticed that he was looking at m from the side of his eye, and he just gave me full attention.

I see girls giving my a death stare. Girl's jelousy is crazy, so I try to stay out of this. He tapped me on the shoulder, "So, I don't remember you from around here, what's your name," he asked forcefully. Rude.


"Is it wrong for me to know your name?"

"What do you plan to do after knowing my name?"

He paused. He stayed silent for a while and finally answered,

"So that I can get to know you."

Why does he want to know me? I'm just the average girl that no one knows.

Should I give him my name? Should i not?

"It's Maddie"

He smirked, "Ok Maddie, do you want to be friends with me? From what I see, your not popular," he stated.


"If you decide to be frineds with me then you can be popular."

That, I don't give a sh*t about.

"Thanks, but no thanks."

He looked shocked at my comment. He paused in confusion and shock looking at me.


I packed all of my books in my bag and dashed out the classroom.

I attended my other classes, I only have one class with Ryder.*Whew. My favorite time of school finally came up, LUNCH. Throughout the whole entire day, people who witnessed the Me and Ryder scene, they have been giving me stares. GOODNESS, CAN'T THEY LEAVE A GIRL ALONE?!?! I bought myself a pizza and I chowed down on it slowly taking my time. In the middle of my eating, Conor Francisco, the guy who usually always crowded with people around him with admiration, slid down to my eating area and said, "Hey." To make it short, he's basically popular, not as popular as Ryder, but at least popular enough for me to know not to get close to this guy.

What's wrong with people? "Hi?" I asked confused wondering why he's here. "He took a glance at me from head to toe. I gave backed up up and scooted away. "You don't feel comfortable do you?"

"Not exactly."

He stuck out his hand for me to shake. I slowly reached it and shook it. He smiled, it was so comforting, made me feel relieved. We started talking to me, and we started a friendly conversation. Both of us got to know each other more and more, I guess I could be friends with this person?

So this is how it feels to have friends.

Its been a while since I laughed.

"Really?" Conor asked.

Did really blurt that out loud?

"... Yea, I don't have that many friends, actually don't have any at" my voice trailed off.

"Well, let's be friends then," he gave my a big smile. He's so nice!!!

"Sure!" I yelped in happiness.

"Wow, you decide to be his friend, and you don't decide to be mine," I heard a husky voice behind me.

It was Ryder. I was ready to leave, I don't wanna get near this guy, AT ALL. I got up and was about to make my way out, but he grabbed me by the shoulder.

"Sit down, why do you always escape from me?" I slapped his hand off my shoulder.

That question just made my snap my neck back, "Cuz I hate being near people around you, LADYKILLER" I blurted.

I power walked out of the cafeteria. Looking back at my shoulder, I see Ryder catching up to me. My powerwalk was not enough to get him away. He grabbed me by the wrist and tightened his grip.

He dragged me out, "HEY-"

"Shut up for a second."

"The bell won't save ya this time, we're skipping" My mouth formed into an 'O' shape.


I broke his grip, and looked at him giving him my best glare, and I ran away.

Running away always helps me get away for my problems now. This is a problem that is going to be hard for me to get away from.

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