Chapter 1: Unrequited Love

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We don't say 'rising into love.' There is in it the idea of the fall." -Alan Watts-

Intro: Beginning of an End

The fateful day of summer's end haunted me, as I rode in the back seat of the car. Breath after breath, drawing in that old car smell that seemed to linger and never escape. Picking at the worn leather that was tearing apart just beside the buckle. My eight year old self watched as the clouds passed one by one, while the sun followed, chasing me all the way to school. This could be the start of something different, maybe this year would be better. But why start off talking about the first day of third grade? Well this is the beginning of my story, meet me, Mieczysław "Stiles" Stilinski; and how affection had built up, transformed, and tore down two students, in a little Californian town named Beacon Hills.

Chapter 1: Unrequited Love

Love, a gift that controls our lives, a four letter word surpassing its definition. Everyone desires it and yet everyone strives for it, even if it hurts you in the long run. This game of chance doesn't declare winners or losers, and does not let you choose when or how you play it. Instead luck is your only strategy and enduring it's unfair course will cause pain; but it's pain that reminds us every single day that we are human, and every human falls in love.

{August 24, 2009}

It all started on this day, the day where I had first encountered a feeling that I had never felt before, and I didn't know that I would actually come to like this "feeling". Walking up concrete steps, I was lead into the beginning of the third grade. Sitting at the top of the stairs wasn't just a new elementary school but a new beginning. My dad had gotten an offer that stood here in Beacon Hills, only a few miles from my previous home. He was promoted Sheriff and the money was impassable, so we moved here.

Kids swarmed running here and there, playing the usual tag. But there just under a huge oak sat not an overly spastic kid, but a boy drawing in the dirt with a twig, alone. This shy kid, who would later become my best friend, held short brown shaggy hair, puppy brown eyes, a slightly crooked jawline, and under his left eye a lonesome mole.

I walked over and he looked at me almost relieved and smiled, " Are you scared? "

I looked around noticing the unfamiliar surroundings, "No. Are you?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "A little."

I gave a friendly smile and I asked of his name, he answered "Scott, Scott McCall."

"Well Scott, I'm Stiles." I placed my hand out, he grabbed it and I pulled him up, "Come on Scott, it'll be fun."

As we started to walk something had caught my attention. Something that would one day become my everything.

She stood there, with her strawberry blonde curls that hung loosely out of place against her cheek, glistening. Her green eyes sparkled, fixated on her surroundings like a never ending sea of green centered with a blast of hazel. The whole world slowed its velocity and her bright smile illuminated, giving everything back its natural momentum. It was a cool cloudy day and yet she made everything glow with warmth. But of course she would never talk to me, of course I would be invisible to her, and of course I never thought that this very day my whole world would be flipped. Changed forever, just because of one human being. She would just be another pretty girl at the playground. An eight year old didn't quite understand the concept of love, but with love why should their be a concept? I asked that five years ago. The eighth grade year was just beginning, and each day I would walk past her in the hall; where only fifth period gave me an hour and fifteen minutes in her presence; she sat three rows back, right in front of me.

Sometimes she would turn around and I would catch a glimpse of her little freckles that would only appear in the summer. The fading of her freckles gave me a reason to look at them every chance I got because I knew they would fade away and be gone in the winter, barely even visible. On October 13th, Mr. Morris (our English teacher) took that away as we got assigned new seats. Torn apart we sat in complete opposite sides of the room. It was only a few feet but it felt like a different world without her there.

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