Chapter 2: Freshman Daze

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Racing by time and memories, it was all a blur. I began to grow apart from her, she never saw me; as if I was completely invisible, talking to me only when needed. Maybe it was for the best. She was a shy girl, but everyone knew her, and her nose was always in a book. She was a living Einstein. Her intelligence was really never truly valued by anybody, except

It was the first day of high school and of course I wanted to see her. The summer felt like an eternity and my attachment for her wasn't just going to be erased. Maybe I would get my chance. A chance I've been dwelling on not since last summer, but since the third fricking grade, and maybe she would actually look at me for more than three seconds. Just maybe. I guess "maybe" was the only thing I could count on, it awarded me with hope. The only thing standing in my way now was a blue double door. Holding my breath I pushed them open.

Walking in, I began to fill an empty page in the so-called "Book of Memories" that would later be marked as "The First Day of High School. " My breath quickly seeped out and released, my heart raced. All I could hear was the pounding of my own heart, and the nerves quickly began to pile up. I looked and looked hoping to find her not even realizing how much I looked like a lost puppy. With the heads that blocked my view I tried to catch a glimpse of a 5'3 girl, that held strawberry blonde hair and green eyes; but from behind a familiar voice echoed down the hall, calling my name. "Stiles!" I abruptly turned around... Everything happened so fast, all I saw was a blur of red and then a painful blow to the chest. Wham! An unruly storm of papers and notes flew everywhere. Students stared like they had been paused on an imaginary remote. I managed to sit up placing my hand over the tender bump that was already forming on my head. I was now laying on the cold tiled floor with this girl.

Head down I just threw out words that hopefully managed to find their way into a sentence, " I-I-I'm so, jeez, I'm sorry, h-here lemme help."

Three stutters, way to go Stilinski. We both stood up in a synchronized way, my head still facing the ground as I tried to pat away the dust on the back of my legs. I started to bend down to pick up her papers, and the play button was clicked.

The students began to move again smirking and some even full on laughing. I stood up to give her her books and papers. Looking up to her face, I looked straight into those green eyes. Gazing at her strawberry blonde hair and her galaxy of freckles, it was her.

"It-It's you." I sputtered, completely amazed at the sight of her.

Confused she answered, "It's me?"

I blinked twice hoping that I didn't just say that out loud. I babble out a lie, "Uh, I said...It's true! It's true that.. I would have the worst first day ever!"

Her strawberry blonde curls overlapped her head hiding a part she originally had.

My face already growing warm, " I really am sorry.."

She pushed her curls back to place, "It's okay I guess I shouldn't have gotten so close to you, I'm so clumsy, I was going to talk to you about something."

My mind started to race. Me? W-why would she ever want to talk to me?

"Well...for photography class, you're my partner," she placed her hand on her chest. She finished her sentenced, "I didn't choose, the teacher did, he said it would give us a chance to get to know everybody... Stiles, right?"

I just stared like an idiot until she lifted her brows indicating for me to answer, "Huh?"

She laughed, "Your name! You are Stiles right?"

"Ye-yes! Thats me! Good ole' Stiles." I felt embarrassed once those words fell out.

She gave a weird look moving her eyes to the lockers, "Well I'm Lydia, Lydia Martin.." She placed her hand out but the bell rang as she pulled her hand back, " And that's my cue, see you in class...partner," she winked.

She hurried off, and turned back around, giving me another glimpse of her infamous smile; but her eyes were beyond where I stood. As her eyes widen, she called out a name. I turned around curious on who she was focused on. Running by, a girl with dark tawny hair with loosely formed curls and chocolate eyes jumped into her arms hugging. I could feel their connection from the end of the hall; they definitely were best friends that held a sisterly mood. They just had this undying light that could never be put out and as they slowed their pace they reached their classroom disappearing around the corner. I just stood there in awe reliving our conversation, the way she smiled, the way she spoke, she was the definition of perfection. I snapped out of it as a hand grabbed my shoulder.

Relieved at seeing a friendly face I spoke, "Scott McCall, and how are you doing this fine high school morning."

He laughed, "I can't believe we're actually here, it felt like yesterday we were shooting spitballs at our fifth grade teacher."

I placed some of my books into my locker, "Hmm, I remember that."

The late bell began to ring, so I slammed my locker shut and we headed to class. He had english while I had no idea what I had. Pulling a crumpled up paper from my back pocket, my schedule read, Period 1- Room 218 Ap Biology. Passing by the classrooms I looked at the room numbers that were marked on each door reading them or loud, "216, 217... yes 218!" I hurriedly walked in with long strides just making it, and there she was. The sun climbed through the windows giving off a natural spotlight that shone right on her. Lydia was turned to her friend that had noticed me as soon as I walked in. She looked to the strawberry blonde and whispered something. I don't know what she said but whatever it was it brought her to turn and look at me. Goosebumps crept up the back of my neck and all of a sudden my mouth had become dry. Reading her lips she spoke, "He's my partner for the photography project, Allison." Allison. Allison?... why did that name sound so familiar?

I decided to look for a seat knowing that I looked like a complete idiot just standing there. On the right of her sat Allison and there was an open seat on the left, so I hurried over but not too fast for she would probably notice my pace. Sitting there I was stopped midway of our assignment as I heard a little gasp come from my left. The strawberry beauty was searching frantically as if she had lost something.

She held her right ear lobe, " Oh my god, oh my god, where is it?"

She released her ear and she was missing a diamond earring. I searched with her but in a way for she wouldn't notice. Meaning I would drop my pencil and pretend to get it when I was actually looking for the stud. And there just under my shoe a sparkle attracted my eyes. I carefully dragged it with my shoe reaching for it. I turned to her and I asked her to give me her hand, she did so hesitantly. I looked at her and she looked back, lost in her sea green eyes I handed her the stud earring.

She looked at the diamond and then back at me, her expression brightened, "Thank you! Oh my god I thought I had lost it." She put it back in her ear and I turned back around with a smile that I couldn't seem to wipe from my face.

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