Chapter 6: Phone Silence

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Opening my eyes, I looked around, slowly the memories of what had happened last night fluttered back. Pain shot up my arm. I looked down at my wrist as it had turned into a purplish ombre of blue and black overlapped with a little swelling. Red numbers lit up flashing 6:55 in the corner of my desk, "Errrr I had slept in, again! Looks like I'll be going to school late." Looking at my phone there was five missed calls. They were all from a number I had never seen before, so I called back. They picked up but it was only steady silence, "Hello?"

There was no answer and a slight pause until a voice broke, "Hello? S-Stiles is this you? It's Lydia."

I almost dropped the phone with shock, "Yeah! Hey, Lydia how's it going? How did you get this number?"

"Don't worry about that. I was cleaning up a bit until I found your sweatshirt, blue with a silver zipper right?"

That memory flashed back to my brain as I had taken it off after entering Lydia's room.

"Yes thank you!" I brightened.

"Your lucky Stilinski, if my parents had found this I would be ruined... Anyways look out your window."

Confused I walked over peering through the blinds. There she was hair topped in a bun with loose hairs purposely lined at her face, a light blue loose dress hugged her waist and black heels complemented the look. My face brightens with her presence.

I looked out the window and she talked through the phone, " You wanna walk with me?"

I said yes still looking out the window, but I realized my phone was dangling in my hand, moving the phone to my ear I spoke, "Yeah! Um, just lemme get dressed!"

I grabbed my backpack and in a hurry I ran down shoes in hand. I slipped them on tying them as I ran out the door, "See you later dad!"

She was sitting on the curb, she turned focused on the door closing, "Took you long enough, we have fifteen minutes."

"And it's only a ten minute walk, we'll be fine." I reassured her.

She looked at her watch, "Fourteen minutes now."

We finally reached the school and walking in I stopped at my locker. Reaching into her bag she pulled out my sweatshirt stretching her arm out handing it to me. She tucked her lips into her mouth and turned to leave.

"Wait!" I grabbed her arm gently holding her from leaving. She looked at my arm indicating for me to let go.

"Sorry, It's just where should we meet since we need to finish our project."

She lit up, "We could go to Celestine park! It's my favorite place to go to, especially this time around, Saturday should be good."

"Yeah I think I know where that is, so it's a date! Oh god, I uh, I didn't mean da-"

"Shut up Stilinski it's okay, it's a ... (she looked at me giving off a smirk)!"

She twirled back around heading to class, while my dorky self just continued to place my books in my locker as I winked to her.

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