Chapter 13: Heartbreak

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The next day me, Scott, and Allison decided to walk to school together again as Lydia seemed to still be sick. We finally arrived at the school, and as we reached the top of the steps we all paused, as there was Lydia sitting at a table perfectly fine. In fact more than fine, and she wasn't  alone.

Allison let out a gasp, "Jackson?! Are they back together or something?"

The summer of freshman year, Jackson and Lydia started to "see" each other. I didn't think much of it as their relationship faded by the start of sophomore year. Jackson, who is a junior, is a complete and absolute jerk. His shitty attitude really brings out his spoiled rich side.

The heat of jealousy quickly found its way into me filling me to the brim. But I extinguished it quickly, knowing I can't and won't do anything about it. I mean the guy is like twice the size of me. Scott looked to me noticing my reaction, knowing that that's his best friend's crush sitting there flirting with one of the biggest jerks in the entire school.

My sad face turned to Scott and Scott looked to me, "I'm sure they're just talking they can't be back together this quick-"

Scott stopped talking and his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Scott? What is it?"

Scott grabbed my shoulders and jerked me around, "What are you doing, let me go! "

I finally broke free from his strong grip, "What's wrong with you dude!"

I turned back around, and I felt my heart shatter, my whole world had just broken into millions of pieces. So this is heartbreak, there are about a billion songs written about it and I'm living it. There she was making out with Jackson, hand on her thigh while the other hand held the strap of his back pack.

Allison shielded her eyes in disgust, "Oh god I can't look."

Scott made a face that you would think he was about to puke, "Please make it stop."

I kept staring but I looked away finally, "I think I might be sick."

Allison threw her hands out, " How could she go back to..him!"

"Scott, we have to go another way I can't just walk past her." I complained. 

"There's only one entrance and they are sitting right in front of it." Scott pointed.

"Errrg, hopefully she won't notice." I growled.

Walking by she pulled her lips from his and her hands from his spiked brown hair. Her eyes flickered towards my direction but they held their stare as she realized it was me who was walking by.

"Hey, Stiles!"

I completely ignored her not even glancing back at her for the thought of looking into her eyes just might break my heart even more. After I had walked by Lydia, something weird happened; her nose started to drip blood. Jackson was disgusted and shooed Lydia to go to the bathroom or something. She plugged her nose quickly tapping her new heels against the tiled floor as she rushed into the bathroom pulling paper towels from the dispenser.

She looked into the mirror talking to her reflection, " I haven't gotten a damn bloody nose since the third grade! Why, why now."

After the blood had stopped she cleaned herself up and headed to class, just making it before the late bell. Of course I had no idea what had happened so I gave her harsh looks in class, I was being selfish, and I hated being that type of person.  As I thought that the day couldn't get any worse, it sure did. Mr. Harris threw us a pop quiz, I failed. At lunch I tripped throwing my lunch onto some kid, he wasn't happy about that, so we decided to "talk it out" leaving me with a black eye. With of course a split lip, that just went wonderfully with the swollen eye. How could a day go from normal to bad to actual hell, it was literally the worst day of all bad days.  As for Lydia two more bloody noses happened, leaving her to go home.

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