Chapter 16: Homecoming

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Author's POV:

"Lydia! Tell me!" Allison yelled, throwing a stuffed animal from Lydias' bed.

Lydia snickered, "Nope you'll just have to wait and see, Allison."


"Stiles! Tell me! Is it the blonde that I always find looking at you in geometry?"

Stiles looked at him, "Erica? No. You'll just have to see."

As they both checked the mirror one last time before exiting they both were happy. Like that one true feeling of happiness that makes your heart flutter, all because of two girls. Scott borrowed his mom's SUV and Stiles jumped into his sixteen going on seventeen year old jeep.


Lydia looked out the window and towards the evening sky as the sun was setting. Purples and reds painted the sky and all of a sudden blue rolled up.

" Ah! He's here, Allison I'm not ready can you stahl him!"

Allison ran to the window hoping to know who was about to climb the steps to Lydias house. A blue jeep stood in the driveway and she knew exactly who had owned a baby blue jeep.

" Stiles?!"

Lydia flustered around her room, "Ding ding ding! Now go stahl him!"

Heels in hand Allison laughed and flew down the stairs happy to see Lydia this way, "Finally I thought these two would never go out." She muttered to herself.

She opened the door to a Smiling dorky Stiles, "Hey Stiles."

His eyes narrowed and he looked behind Allison, "Hey, um, is Lydia ready?"

"She'll be down in a sec. Do you wanna come in?"

She pointed behind her and he started to take a step forward but stopped suddenly. He looked up and his mouth was gaped open. Allison turned around and Lydia was standing at the top of the staircase descending down. Her silver dress sparkled in the low lighting and her hair fell behind her shoulders revealing her neck and smooth collar bone. She reached them and cleared her throat, "Hey Stiles, lets go!"

He put his arm out and she accepted the gesture. They walked out and Stiles opened up his car door for Lydia. He jogged over to his side and hopped right in. Fumbling with the keys he dropped them, but quickly gathered them, "You, you, uh, look... beautiful."

Lydia checked her lipstick in the side mirror, "You too! I mean, handsome, you look handsome."

He smirked and looked in his rear view mirror, "Huh, they caught up."

Lydia looked to Stiles wondering, "Who?"

"Scott and Allison."

She turned around seeing Scott driving and Allison next to him smiling. Lydia waved. They both pulled up parking side by side. Scott and Allison both got out at the same time. Scott smiled at the sight of Stiles mystery date, "I should have known it was Lydia." Scott flashed a smile assuring Stiles of his well made choice.

Allison reached in her purse and pulled out her camera, "We have to take a picture together!"

Scott agreed, "Okay let me get my camera."

He set her camera on the back end of the jeep and hurried over to the quickly formed group. Scott squished everyone together, "Say Cheese!" Flash* On the left was Lydia and Stiles and to the right stood Allison and Scott cheek to cheek.

Blinking hard Stiles was the first to talk, "I think I blinked."

Scott studied the picture, "No you didn't, it's a nice photo."

Lydia swiped the camera, "Let me see!" Awe, you guys we're so cute together, the four amigos. "

They walked into the school following other students. Lights flickered and streaks of purple and pink filled the gym. The music moved right through them giving Allison a spark of energy.

She looked to Scott, "Well? What are you waiting for!"

Allison took Scotts hand and pulled him into the hot crowd. Stiles and Lydia walked over to a table and they sat. Both of their eyes followed Scott and Allison, and Stiles finally made up his mind, growing a little confidence. He got up and put his hand out, "Do you wanna dance? She turned her head rolling her eyes, making Stiles disappointed. But she surprised him and took his hand standing up.

She smiled, "I thought you would never ask."

They walked over and a slow song was just beginning. He had his hands on her waist and her head was resting on his shoulder her nose nuzzled against his neck. The rocking was calming and the music seemed dreamy, it was an instrumental and it was beautiful. She picked her head up and looked around and then back at him. Stiles noticed, "What? What is it?" Her eyes showed sadness, "I had to let this out but I didn't know when I was going to. So I guess now is a good time then ever."

She pursed her lips and stared straight into Stiles honey eyes. "The night where I came over in the middle of the night, where I slept over on the couch, do you remember that?"

Stiles eyes widened slightly, "Yeah, you were gone in the morning, I had almost believed that I had imagined the whole thing."

She chuckled a nervous chuckle, "No, it happened, and I went there to answer a question that I couldn't quite believe. I went there to see how you really felt about me."

Tears begin to fall from her face, " And, and I did, I chose you but I guess I never realized that."

Stiles held her face gently wiping the tears,  "Lydia I've known you for seven years. And yet it feels like forever, each day I look at you and it's like the first time. Your smile just takes me somewhere I've never been before and so it breaks me so much when I see you with another smiling the way you smile. And when that person breaks your heart it breaks mine, it breaks mine to know that a jerk like that can have that ability. Your incredible, your eyes, most people wouldn't even realize that they're not just green, but that in the middle is a hazel pool and when you tilt your head you can almost see a star shape. And how on the back of your neck there's a small birthmark shaped like a heart." She smiled and touched her neck almost embarrassed.

Stiles continued, "When I look at you I don't ever want to let go. Me dancing with you is beyond my dreams."

His hand moves to hers and they intertwined. Scott and Allison had stopped dancing and were sitting at a table. Allison was the first to notice they were together and she almost choked on her drink when she realized just what they were doing, or about to do. They had stopped dancing and now we're just in the middle of the dance floor like statues. Stiles lightly pushed her soft hair behind her shoulder and continued in his speech, " I see you standing at your locker at school, you always do this thing where you look inside but you never actually pull anything out, and you smile. That smile starts my day, you give me a reason to go to school, you give me a reason to push through the day, because when that bell rings I know you're waiting outside." His lips were just centimeters from the only girl he's ever loved, "I know that because you, Lydia Martin are what makes me, me. And if I ever lost you..I would lose my mind, lost, my whole life lost without, you Lydia." His eyes sparkled at the tears that had yet to come down. For once Lydia didn't look away from the boy and she stared into those honey eyes, absolutely stuck. She breathed and her eyes moved from his eyes to his lips, to his eyes again, "Stiles..." She softly bit her lower lip, kiss me."  End of Part 1

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