Chapter 4: A Second Year, A Second Chance

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Walking in, the halls were packed as usual, kids racing from their lockers to class. Scott and I met at the front.

He gave a wave and walked over, " Hey dude!"

I flashed a skewed smile, " Hey, how's the side."

He lifted his shirt, " Nothing see."

I stared, there was nothing, not a scar. He lost a lot of blood I couldn't understand how there was nothing there.

I ignored it and Scott and I were walked side by side into the school until somebody grabbed and pulled me back into a corner. Scott hadn't noticed and kept walking.

"Hey Stiles! I haven't seen you all summer."

Erica Reyes. A girl who has had a booming crush on me since the last year, and she was not shy of hiding it at all. Her long blonde curls were highlighted with streaks of brown, her eyes were a dark shade of hazel and while she wore red lipstick she also surrounded her eyes with black eyeshadow. She was a beautiful girl but wasn't as nice as she looked, her attitude grew confidence and if you rubbed her the wrong way, she would get her revenge. She didn't follow rules, she made them. But she wasn't like this last year, she had changed. She was the shy girl who followed every rule, she was the one who did every sheet of homework, and she was the one who always greeted everyone with a smile or hello. She always wore a messy ponytail and she had braces. Now, she wears skin tight clothing and never leaves the house with a bad hair day. But people took advantage of her, and that's when she snapped, I guess.

Her grasp made my arm numb, "Uhh yeah that's a shame, well I have to go."

I tried to leave but she grabbed again pulling me closer.

Her lips puckered into a pout and her brows narrowed, " What? Am I not pretty?"

I had to be careful with my next words, "W-what? Yeah you're beautiful, you have very nice eyes."

She smiled with my answer,  "I have nice everything."

I cleared my throat, "Well look who found self confidence."

Scott walked over as he finally noticed I wasn't walking with him anymore

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Scott walked over as he finally noticed I wasn't walking with him anymore.

"Dude there you are come on we have.." He looked at his watch, " three minutes." 

He pulled me from Erica and he looked back.

"Your welcome you know," he snickered.

"Yeah I owe you, she's just so different now. "

Scott started to pick up his speed, "Yeah, yeah, let's go."

Scott had decided to take photography class with me this year, and he definitely had a reason for it but it wasn't because I told him to. We walked in, the class pretty riled up, kids sitting on desks, and it was pretty loud. Out of the corner of my eye I see her. It was like deja vu, and Lydia was sitting right next to Allison, just like last year. Again, there was an empty seat placed open right beside her and Scott followed sitting behind Lydia.

Our teacher, Mr

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Our teacher, Mr. Harris couldn't wait to get started, "Class just like last year, I would like to welcome you with another project to start your school year." He picked up a bucket, "In this pale, each of you have your names written on pieces of paper inside. Without peeking, you will reach in and grab a name. That will be your partner."

He walked over to us first. Allison reached in grabbing hers and smiled. She looked around and found her partner, Scott.

She waved the paper in the air excitedly, "Scott! You're mine!"

As if they had known each other, or did they? She laughed leading Scott to throw a fist pump. That's when it clicked, how I knew Allison.

Scott has had a huge crush on Allison since the end of  last year when she moved back from Oregon, she originally was born here but moved there when she was like ten. He would talk about her non stop when he would go to my house and do homework or study; but we never would be able to finish because he would rant about her! How she has such fair skin, how her dark hair is so perfectly put out of place or how her chocolate eyes just shimmer in the sunlight. It was almost nice to see Scott that way, to have him feel the same way I had for six years. I just couldn't believe I never made the connection before and I've definitely never seen Scott so mushy.

Lydia was next and pulled out a name. I bit my nails hoping that it was me, that oh I would be the luckiest guy ever if she looked up and turned my way.

She read the paper and looked around finding me,  "Stiles."

I practically jumped out of my seat.

"Are you serious, yes! Yes! I realized what a complete dork I looked like and I couldn't believe I had actually did that, so I calmed down, sinking into my chair.

Scott stared at me, "Dude what in the hell was that."

I shrugged my shoulders, "What?"

All Lydia did was laugh turning her face towards the window. She pulled out a notebook and ripped a sheet out, she wrote something. She folded the paper and handed it to me. I took it. Eagerly I opened it.

Scribbled in blue ink it said, " Hey, so I think we should go to my house and work on this project, does that sound like a plan?" I picked my head up in shock that the love of my life actually just invited me, me! To her house. I wrote back "Sure! What's your address?"

I gave it back and a booming voice echoed from behind Mr. Harris' desk, "Mr. Stilinski is there something you would like to share with the rest of the class?! "

Sarcasm was my only way out. "If I did I don't think they would care."

Everyone laughed and snickered knowing that it was actually true. My head faced straight ahead as my eyes glanced towards her.

I whispered, " We'll talk after class," Her words are soft, troubled at the fact that they got caught, "Okay."

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