Chapter 5: Late Night Embarrassment

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Grabbing my phone, it read 7:52. Ready to go I checked the mirror once more, running my hands through my lightly gelled hair, also sniffing my flannel to make sure I smelt decently. I started to walk over to Lydia's house giving my dad a goodbye as I hurried out. We had exchanged numbers after school and I texted her for her address and time. Turned out she lived right down the street. A girl of my dreams was literally right down the street this whole time, I could actually see her house from my window!

I stepped up to her walkway and I could see a silhouette of a girl standing in a small window about a floor up, it was her and she was staring directly at me so I looked away. I started for the door, and before I go to knock suddenly the door swings open giving me minor heart attack.

She gave a panicked tone, "Sorry! Oh god did I open it too fast?! I have no patience, I just saw you coming up the walkway and I thought I'd open the door for you and..."

I held her arms indicating for her to relax, and frankly for her to stop talking.

"You're fine," I laughed.

She looked at me nodding and her cheeks were now more rosier than before, she breathed heavily as if she had just sprinted down all of the steps.

"Well...what are you waiting for?" She tilted her head back signaling for me to come in.

I walked in and the house was enormous, with a towering staircase that stood dazzling in its beauteous way, with walls of beige wall paper that simply complemented the house.

I mean it was no mansion but definitely more expensive than mine. Above hung a crystal chandelier, accessorized with light bouncing every which way and picture frames covered the walls. But before I could take it all in she took my hand and I got goosebumps. I stutter stepped but she pulled me right up the stairs suddenly getting my legs to work again. She laughed the whole way grinning from ear to ear. She was like a kid on Christmas morning. She released my hand and we walked into her room. Plopping onto her bed she laid and rested her chin in her hands.

I took my blue hooded sweatshirt off revealing a brown flannel, placing it on Lydia's chair that stood in front of a desk

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I took my blue hooded sweatshirt off revealing a brown flannel, placing it on Lydia's chair that stood in front of a desk. She started to lose her joyous expression and stared at me.

I noticed, "What?"

She picked her head up, "Nothing, it's not important. "

I rolled my eyes, "Tell me."

She looked at me and her expression screamed guilt. "I just.. I didn't mean to get you in trouble, during class, I just couldn't think of a way to talk to y-"

I interrupted, "It's okay. It's not like I have detention or anything."

I turned around not sure what else to do since staring at her was definitely not an option as it started to get awkward. I looked up admiring her walls, they were covered and filled with drawings and pictures.

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