Chapter 14: The Power Of Love...and also Makeup

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I walked home just ready to curl up in bed for the rest of the day, ignoring the outside world, homework, even my dad. Face planting into my sheets drained the energy out of my body. But the peace was short lived as there was a knocking at my halfway closed door.

A low voice came from behind it. "Son, dinners ready, those burgers aren't going to eat themselves."

My head was face down in my pillow allowing only my left nostril to breathe, "Leave me alone, I'm not hungry."

He opened the door , "Stiles...what is it?" He walked over and I tried to hide my face. "Stiles, look at me." His voice grew stern, "Look at me."

I turned my head slowly. His expression turned to shock but he grew calm.

He sighed, "Who did this to you?" I sat there quiet.

Fury quickly took over my dad, "I swear to god I will go over to this kid's house and I'll beat his a-"

"Woah! Dad! I'm fine, it's no big deal, I started it."

My dad looked down shaking his head, "Well how does he look?" he smirked. Lightening up the mood.

"Better than me." I stated looking at the wood floor.

"Well, do you still want that burger? Tomatoes, no onions, just the way you want."

I sat up, "Yeah I'm actually starving."

He laughed a short laugh, "What teenage boy isn't." He walked out leaving the door wide open.

Footsteps creaked up the stairs and standing in my doorway was, Scott.

He bounced into my room, "Hey! I heard you took a karate class to the face."

He imitated a karate move kicking his foot in the air.

"Yah, yah, very funny." I said rolling my eyes.

He got closer, "Let me see."

I turned my face so he could see everything. From the purple eye to the reddened plump lip.

His eyes squinted focusing on the irritated skin, "A black eye and a split lip damn, at least it's not that bad, I've definitely seen worse. At least theres not a lot of swelling. Remember when you got hit in the eye with a lacrosse ball, you had just taken off your helmet and bang!"

He smacked his hand against his palm. "Your eye swelled up like a-"

I cut him off, "Yeah I remember.. that was the first day of tryouts I thought I wasn't going to make it."

Scott changed the subject, " So..what's for dinner, I could smell it from outside, definitely a grill."

"Yeah, uh my dad's cooking burgers."

At cue my dad turned the corner surprised at the sight of Scott, "Scott nice to see you." 

"You too Mr.Stilinski." Said Scott smiling.

My dad handed me my plate and turned around stopping at the doorway, "Scott, keep my boy out of trouble would yah. "

" Will do, sir." Scott saluted.

And after the disappearance of my dad Scott looked at me giving me an evil grin. I was kind've frightened actually, you never knew what could come out of Scott's mouth.

I finished chewing, "What is it?"

Scott walked over to the door closing it. That's when I got pretty nervous.

"So you heard about the Homecoming dance next weekend right?"

I took another bite, "Yeah, what about it?"

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