Chapter 15: Pre-Homecoming

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Authors' POV
Scene: Allison's bedroom

That special Saturday evening began with Lydia. Rising in her king sized bed she woke up to coffee brewing just down stairs. Her mom with her regular dose every morning, but Lydia had enough energy to last her days without the hot caffeinated addiction. She was racing on fumes, fumes of this boy. This boy who she hadn't even thought about till this year. Getting dressed she grabbed her purse and grabbed the money she had saved from babysitting the neighbors kids. Saving up was worth the one picture, the one look, the one.. dance. Allison had headed over to Lydias' house to get ready for the stomach turning dance. The night before Lydia couldn't sleep, tossing and turning with the dreaded thoughts that she actually liked this boy. Stiles. She had never experienced love, only Jackson, which who kept her from seeing what love was. Sitting in her chair she faced the mirror while she perfected her makeup. While finishing the look with a straightener she became overwhelmed in how this night could play out.

She whipped her hair around, "Three more hours Allison! Are you ready! I'm so excited, it's the only dance that is actually worth going to during the year. Freshman year didn't have very good dances."

Allison popped out from the bathroom curling iron in hand.

"Maybe that's because you had a shitty date."

Lydia agreed shaking her head laughing, " Oh my god, I can't believe I went out with that ass." Lydia plopped onto Allison's bed. Stomach against the pink girly sheets that Allison had not changed since the seventh grade.

The two had spent their whole morning shopping at stores just down town looking for the perfect dress. Nothing too fancy, but just enough to get eyes their way.

Allison poked her head back out with a canister filled with vodka in hand. She shook the canister and smiled confident in her snag of alcohol.

Lydia shook her head, "Allison give me that! I would like to remember this night for a change."

Lydia pulled the canister and placed it safely in her purse.

Allison gave a little pout but understood, " Your right! Ugh I'm so dumb, I just thought we could try... but no, this night will be one to remember, I can feel it."

Allison grew curious, as to why Lydia was oddly so giddy, "Lydia? If you're not with Jackson anymore, who are you going with?"

Lydia walked over to her mirror, smoothed on her red lipstick and just smiled.


Just a street down Scott and Stiles were also getting ready for the dance at Stiles house. Fixing his tie Stiles looked at Scott through the hanging mirror as Scott paced back and forth.

"Scott? You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just nervous... I don't even know how to dance!"

Stiles turned around chuckling at his best friend who was flustered.

"Don't worry dude, you'll be fine."

" Yeah but Allison..." Scott looked at Stiles and remembered his best friend who had no date, "Stiles, I feel bad. I sure know what going stag feels like, I mean I can't even count how many times I've gone stag, in fact, I'm pretty sure I've gone stag to every dance I've been to..including last year's homecoming. "

Stiles walked over to his bed where his coat lay untouched from the nearest mall and sat down,

"Not all! Remember. The mother son dance in the fifth grade." They both laughed as Stiles pulled on his coat straightening it out.

"And if you would happen to know, I'm not going stag."

Scott halted his pacing and turned to him confused, "Well... then who are you going with?"

Stiles pertained a smile to his mischievous face.

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