Chapter 3: Last Summer Night

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The summer before sophomore year had been quite calm while hanging out with Scott was my only option. Every Friday and Saturday would walk down to the beach and cool off or go down to the food shack to grab a few cokes. Since Scott had gotten a small job he'd left the rest of the days up to me to figure out. I was bored for most of the summer so I found some new inspirations. Drawing was a big one. I never thought I would actually like it or even be decently good at it, but it felt right. The words you couldn't actually say I drew, and without effort the words just danced right onto the page with every stroke of the pen. For every completed drawing, another piece of me was put together. It was like, I had opened up new emotions just by dragging graphite against paper. I often found myself snapping my summers' adventures with my new camera and that's when I had finally realized the true meaning behind the infamous saying, " A pictures' worth a thousand words." But it was the last weekend of the summer that was the most memorable.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting in my room listening to my music playlist flipping through my summer pictures, when Scott jumped through my window. We both screamed.

"Scott, why'd you scream your the one who scared me!"

"Well your scream scared me too."

I switched on my light, " You can't do that, how about using the front door?"

"It was locked, " he stated.

"Okay, well what do you need?" I questioned.

He inched closer, "Stiles, It's the last night of the summer, we have to do something!"

Looking at the time it was only seven o'clock, "We could go to the movies?"

"No, that's a little lame." He tapped his chin until he looked at me with an idea, "How bout we go on an adventure!"

"An adventure, Scott, really? To where?"

He grabbed my hoodie that was hanging on my bed post, "Just come on." He threw it, me out of reflex snatching and throwing on the sweatshirt.

We both hopped out the window. Worry was lifted off of my shoulders as we passed by my dad's window, he was sound asleep, his glasses rested on his night stand. From across the street there was the town's' woods, and they were a mile long. If you went straight the whole way you'd reach a bowling alley and the only theatre in town. We trucked through leaves breaking from under us. I had brought my camera and I snapped a few, the flash giving us a little light of three seconds for us to see in the distance. We reached an opening and there was a creek, it smelt. A horrid stomach turning stench. I plugged my nose, "Ugh what is that, it wreaks! It smells like death!" Without knowing I had used the most appropriate choice of words.

There, laid a deer's carcass rotting, head submerged in water as the other half, laid planted in the leaves

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There, laid a deer's carcass rotting, head submerged in water as the other half, laid planted in the leaves. I snapped a few pictures and the flash gave us a little more light, maggots swarmed the body and the smell was unbearable. Freaked out, Scott jumped back landing in a puddle. I went over to him and I placed my hand out.

His muddy hand grabbed it and I pulled him up, " Dude I-I think we should go, I'm gonna be having nightmares for weeks now."

He agreed still staring at the carcass. I found a trail, maybe a way out, "Here this way."

I jogged out but I didn't hear the trailing of footsteps, and then there was a scream. I raced back as fast as I possibly could. I found Scott lying on the ground blood trailing from his side. He looked up at me, but he wasn't scared, in fact he was perfectly fine.

I wasn't as I screamed, "Scott! Scott, your bleeding!"

He got up as if nothing was wrong, " Oh I uh.. tripped! And I must've scraped it on a rock...or something."

" Yeah, or something. I don't know Scott, that looks like a lot of-"

"Stiles! I'm fine. Can we just get out of here now. It's getting pretty cold." He shivered.

The walk back home was not filled with laughter, no jokes, just utter silence. Footprints trailed from Scott's soaked pants and sneakers, his arms were crossed and he kept his head down. Covering his wound with his hand.

As I started to climb up to my window I noticed it was locked closed, "Scott! Did you shut my window?"

"What? No, why would I do that!"

"Well then I'm gonna have to sleep over your house because my front door is locked and waking my dad at this hour would make him flip!"

"Alright but you'll just have to be back before school starts."

We walked to Scott's house sneaking in quietly, he went to take a shower and I ran to his room. I grabbed a few blankets and lied them on the ground next to his bed. After his short shower he walked back in, climbing into his bed.

" Hey, how's the cut?" I pointed to his side.

He paused, " Uh it's nothing, I'm sure it will be healed by tomorrow."

Lying there we both couldn't fall asleep, we just found each other staring at the ceiling. About ten minutes past before either of us spoke.

"Stiles? You still awake?" Scott sniffled.

"Yeah, I'm awake." I croaked.

He sat up looking at me, " Are you scared for tomorrow?"

A smile broke away from my face, " For once, no."

He laid back, "Hmmm me neither."

We both drifted off. The second year of high school was starting and I would be able to see Lydia again. It made me almost happy to have the summer end, to be able to just show up and see her just might make the stress of life fade away.

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