Chapter 7: Six Minutes

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Author's POV
Waking up on Saturday morning, Stiles was already wide awake with adrenaline pumping through his blood, or it was the adderall. His alarm that was set for six o'clock, had gone off an hour after he had woken up, he was anxious. This sixteen year old boy's heart was ready for what's to come. He honestly liked the butterflies that filled his stomach, the growing of the nerves that ticked after every hour. Time moved slow but he knew it would be worth the wait. It was this feeling that he had never received so happily. Even if he had six more hours until he actually left for this project, or "date."

Going throughout the day, down the street Allison had gone over to Lydia's to help her pick out an outfit.

"Allison! Can you come here!" Lydia yelled from her room.

Opening Lydias bedroom door Allison walked in with a piece of red licorice in her hand she had snatched from Lydias kitchen as another poked halfway out her mouth. Lydia came out from her closet holding up two dresses. Dangling in Lydia's left hand was a long flowing blue dress printed with flowers, and in the other a medium length light pink dress lined in gold.

"Which one?" Lydia asked.

Allison looked at both but chose quickly, "The pink with gold." She pointed with the licorice in her hand. "It goes with the flats."

Lydia looked at her feet, "Huh, I guess they do."

Lydia strided into her bathroom changing. Allison hopped onto Lydia's bed taking a frame from her desk (a picture of Stiles and Lydia) and yelled to Lydia, " So you don't actually like this kid do you?"

 Allison hopped onto Lydia's bed taking a frame from her desk (a picture of Stiles and Lydia) and yelled to Lydia, " So you don't actually like this kid do you?"

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Lydia gave a little smirk and with a closed mouth laughs.

Her voice was muffled by the closed door. "Sweetheart, it's only a school project, I am not ready for another relationship."

Allison traced her finger on the frame and stared at the two kids that were both in mid laugh and she knew these two had something special, even if Lydia didn't see it. She pulled her head from the picture and let out a sigh following a smile. She looked towards the ceiling and fell back sprawling her body upon the bed. Pillows bounced with the sudden jump. Lydia strutted out hands on her hips, doing a basic model pose. Allison put the picture back and Lydia checked the mirror smoothing out her dress.

"Hmmmm, you we're right Allison."

Allison got up and walked to Lydia, "Aren't I always," Allison said jokingly. Allison pointed towards the door, "Now, I better get going, her body whipped towards the door, don't want you to be late for"

The two girls skipped down the steps and Lydia walked Allison to her house.

"Welp have fun!" Exclaimed Allison.

Before Allison closed her front door Lydia reaches her hand stopping the door.

"And it's not a date!" Lydia yelled with a smile.

Allison rolled her eyes grinning and proceeded to close the door leaving Lydia to begin her six minute walk, six minutes of being alone, six minutes to change her mind, and six minutes to dwell on the actual fact that she could maybe have non-platonic feelings for a boy that's known her since the third grade.

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