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This is a fanfic written by me,my boredom and my imagination:-) this is all from my imagination so yea😂

*Ji Yeon's Pov*

"AHAHAHAHA STOP IT HAHAHA!!" I try to stop him from tickling me but he keeps tickling me. Aish, when will he grow up-_-

"Wake up first!!"

"Wtf? I am awake you idiot!" I push him away. He may be older for a year but doesn't mean he acts older. He acts like he's 9 years younger than me-__-

"I know that. I just like annoying you dongsaeng!" He jumped onto my bed and continued tickling me.

"Aish!" I push him off once more. "When will you grow up you pre matured baby. Tsk." I roll my eyes then get up. Days like this always piss me off. Oh wait, that's everyday.

"Is my little sis mad," he pouts.

"You think?" I answered lazily. "Come on let's go down now. Mom might get mad again especially since it's the first day of school." I drag him downstairs.

"Kim Taehyung! Kim Ji Yeon!"

I sigh. "There, because of you we're gonna get scolded by eomma again. Argh, when are you not gonna piss me off everyday." I walk downstairs frustrated.

"Kim Ji Yeon when will you learn to come down on time? If you cant even cone downstairs on time,how much more of you're gonna become a successful businesswoman?" She messed her hair up in frustration.

"Mianhae eomma." I look down in shame. Though I don't feel any. (^^)

She continues eating her breakfast. "Where's your brother?" I look up to her. "Did you leave him behind?" I look back down.

"He wasn't coming with me."

"You know I chose you to become the more diligent one in the family so that we can rise up from here. I can't raise you two with just being a caregiver."

"I know eomma. But why not oppa? He is older than me."

"For a year, Ji Yeon. 1 year. That doesnt matter. Now," she looks at her watch. "You better get ready for school. Go get your brother." I nod as a response.

I went back to the stairs and find my amazing brother sitting on the staircase looking at his phone. I walk towards him and grab the phone. Oh, it looks like he has a crush >:)

"Who is this oppa?" I grin. He tries to grab the phone from me but he was too slow "come on I'm your sister."

"I dont trust you." He narrows his eyes.

"Likewise brother." I smirk and give back the phone. "I dont need to know who she is. She's pretty enough and she looks nice." I smile. I just suddenly decided to be nice to this guy^__^ that girl looks good for him. I sense a connection that they're both crazy-__-


"Let's go oppa we might be late for the first day!" ^^

"Alright alright but why sudden change of mood?" I cheekily smile.

"Yah, your smile scares me. Stop it!" I chuckle.

"Let's just walk." I grab hold of his wrist and drag him to walk. We walk silently to the school.

When we arrived we went to the front desk to get our locker numbers and schedules.

"Oppa, see you after class." I smile widely. He responds with his box smile and waves goodbye.

Short chapter cuz my imagination says stop here😂

Breaking The Playboy[Jungkook Fanfic]||#Jamlessawards2k18Where stories live. Discover now