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*Ji Yeon's Pov*

This whole time Jimin and Jungkook were just trying to get my attention. How on earth am I able to eat in this situation?!

"Ji Yeon-ah, have you tried this steak?" Jungkook asks as he cuts a slice of steak and puts it infront of my mouth. "Say ah!" I dont have a choice, and besides, I like steak. I opened my mouth and ate the steak. It was so delicious!

"Ji Yeon-ah, have you seen the scenery here, it's really pretty. Come on let's go around this whole place." Jimin grabs my hand and we look around the restaurant. It was really amazing. It was so gorgeous.

"Wow," That was all I could say.

"Isn't it pretty?" He asks. I nod then smile as a response. "Glad you like it."

"Why? Did you make this place? That's such a lame way to get a girl's attention." Jungkook says. I sigh. When will these two leave me in peace. Oh wait, I amost forgot what today was!

"Jimin! Come with me. It'll be really quick!" I dragged Jimin out of the resto and we sat down in a nearby bench.

"What is it Ji Yeon?" I bite my lip. Did he really forget? Aish,

"Let's just have a moment and enjoy the stars tonight." He hesitated at first but then did look up the sky.


"Ne?" I look at him and smile.

"Remember the time you first messaged me, I thought you were a stalker. Then, we got closer amd closer. Until I wamted to see you in person." I sigh. "Then that was when we became best friends up till now." His eyes enlarged.

"It's today!" He held both my shoulders and shaked them.

"Yes it is. That's what I wanted you."

"I'm sorry I almost forgot."

"It's okay. Let's just keep staring at the sky for a while." He didn't say anything and webjust stsred at the sky for a few minutes.

''Ji Yeon-ah,"


"I didn't forget today. I just didn't want to remind you." I looked at him confused.

"Why wouldn't you want me to remember our 8th best friend anniversary?" I pout. He looked at me with a straight face. What is happening?

"I...I was planning on saying it today...but I couldn't...but..I have to. .." he sighed.

"What is it Jimin?" I turn to face him.


"Spit it out Jim-"

"I love you okay? I've always liked you. Eversince we became best friends. I'm only telling you now because I was scared you didn't like me back. I was weak. But now I prepared for whatever your answer is." I just stared at him. Speechless. I didn't know about this at all. I've been with him for 8 years yet I didn't even have the slightest clue that he...liked me.

"Jimin-ah," I bit my lip. I seriously didn't know what to say.

"I understand. If you don't like me it's fine. If you do. That's great. I mean we are young adults now." He said shyly.

"Jimin, let me think about it. I'm still new to all of this and it was so sudden. I'll let you know when I've made my desicion okay?" I kissed his cheek. I don't know why the hell I did that so I just ran into the resto.

"Ji Yeon-ah, you're finally back. Come on I wanna show you something." Jungkook grabbed my hand and dragged me.

"What? I'm tired. Can we wait for a few minutes first?"

"You won't be tired anymore when you see where we're going." Aish,fine. He wins.

He covered my eyes.

WOW! The whole place had lots of fake twinkly stars that are just magically floating in mid air! No strings! And then at a side there's a little mini milky way that is also floating around. Then next to it was a guy.

"Good evening. Try these glitters that float only here in this very room. Here." He handed us 2 bottles of glitter. "Just drop them in the air and they'll just automatically scatter and just move your hand around it to arrange it." I quickly ran to the side and dropped all tje glitter in the air. I moved my finger around to make the glitter form into a heart. I stood in the middle of it and cleared the middle out.

"Jungkook, you're tall. Take a picture of me from the top?" I ask while giving him the puppy eyes.

"You know what?" He carefully entered the heart to stand beside me. My eyes widened. "Ahjussi, would you mind taking a picture of us?"

"Yah, Jungkook."

"Come on I wanna try it out too." I sigh in defeat.

"Say cheese!"

"Cheese!" So old but whatev.

The Ahjussi handed us Jungkook's phone. Oh, I don't look bad.

Quickly, Jungkook snatched my phone from my hand and shared? The photo to my phone.

"I'm doing you a favor."

"I never asked for this photo?"

''You just can't say it. Anyway, this will be my wallpaper." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why? Are you thinking that becaise I made you my wallpaper..." He walked closer to me. I stepped backwards.

"That I like you?" I stood there in shock.

"Y-yah, I never said anything about that." I kept biting my lip.

"Well, you're right. I do like you. Not because I'm a playboy and I easily like a girl. No, you are different from the rest. I felt something special with you. I soon realized that...I love you."

Breaking The Playboy[Jungkook Fanfic]||#Jamlessawards2k18Where stories live. Discover now